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General Biology

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Biology - Biology is the science of living systems. It is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring knowledge of the physical sciences and mathematics, although specialities may be oriented toward a group of organisms or a level of organization. BOTANY is concerned with plant life, ZOOLOGY with animal life, algology with ALGAE, MYCOLOGY with fungi, MICROBIOLOGY with microorganisms such as protozoa and bacteria, CYTOLOGY with CELLS, and so on. All biological specialties, however, are concerned with life and its characteristics.... [tags: Biology]

:: 4 Sources Cited 2806 words

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The Uses of Biology - The Uses of Biology Ahh...there's nothing like lounging around in your favorite pair of jeans, reading up on some biology. It's hard to believe that annual sales of jeans like yours make up part of a $700 Billion global industry.... [tags: Biology Biological Technology ] 1172 words

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Biology - Lab Report 1 Principles of Biology 1(BIOL 100) Fall 2001 Gerard Chretien Living cells perform a multitude of chemical reactions very rapidly because of the participation of enzymes. Enzymes are biological catalysts, compounds that speed up a chemical reaction without being used up or altered in the reaction. The material with which the catalysts reacts, called the substrate, is modified during the reaction to form a new product.... [tags: essays research papers] 1328 words

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Biology - Biology 1. The virus is made up of five parts and is in the size range of 10 nm-300 nm in diameter. The first is the coat made up of protein that protects the virus to a point. Next is the head that contains the genetic material for the virus. The genetic material for a virus is DNA. The two other parts are the tail sheath and the tail fibers that are used for odd jobs. I believe that a virus is not considered to be a living creature due to the fact it is a parasitic reproducer. To me it is just like ripping up a piece of paper because it is still the same thing and it isn't carrying out any other function besides reproduction.... [tags: essays research papers] 1215 words

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Evolutionary Developmental Biology - ... Evo-devo has focused on the evolution of the genetic mechanism of development. Rapid improvement in the cloning of regulatory genes and new techniques of visualising gene expression in embryonic tissues has made this the most valuable part of experiential evo-devo at present.. The discovery of extensive similarities in gene regulation between distantly related species with essentially different body structures was an initial accomplishment. Evo-devo concentrates on the evolution of genetic tools that underlie the development of organisms, for example, the evolution of the genes during mutation, duplication and divergence (Müller, 2007).... [tags: Biology ] 2219 words

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Practical Applications of Evolutionary Biology - Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace's concept of natural selection and descent with modification helped shape the theory of evolution which holds as much weight as the theory of relativity per se. Evolutionary biology is the science devoted to understanding how populations change through time in response to modifications of their environment and how new species come into being by studying adaptation and diversity (Freeman and Herron 2004). Evolutionary biology has proved that all organisms have evolved from a common ancestor over the last 3.5 billion years.... [tags: Biology] 1498 words

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Evolutionary Development Biology - ... Zhang et al., (2010) stated that, a particular feature the synthesis in a non-trait close relative, achieved by manipulating the trait-determining genes, is crucial evidence. The selective values of the feature could be inferred accordingly and further verified experimentally. Evo-devo has been focused on the evolution of the genetic mechanism of development. fast improvement in the cloning of regulatory genes and new techniques of visualizing gene expression in embryonic tissues has made this the most valuable part of experiential evo–devo at present.... [tags: Biology, Embryology] 2144 words

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Beauty, Biology, and Society - Beauty, Biology, and Society What is beauty. How do human beings decide who is attractive and who is not. Society is full of messages telling us what is beautiful, but what are those definitions based on. Do we consciously decide whom we are attracted to, or is biology somehow involved. The issue of beauty and how we define it has been studied for centuries. Scholars from all fields of study have searched for the "formula" for beauty. Darwin in his book The Descent of Man wrote, "It is certainly not true that there is in the mind of man any universal standard of beauty with respect to the human body.... [tags: Biology Essays Research Papers]

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Biology and Philosophy of Love - Biology and Philosophy of Love What does it mean to love another person. This question is one that virtually every person has asked himself at some point; virtually every school of thought that exists has attempted to provide an answer of some sort. In this paper I will explain my own attempt at answering that question, from the perspective of an amateur philosopher; then I shall delineate the answers that some biologists have given. We shall see that, while at first these two sets of answers might appear to be quite different, there are in fact some interesting and notable similarities.... [tags: Biology Essays Research Papers]

:: 6 Sources Cited 1087 words

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Education in Biology and Anatomy: The Exhibition of Bodies - The Exhibition of Bodies offers the opportunity to children and adults an unprecedented visual experience to learn as never before about the complex human body. The Exhibition is located at 11 Fulton Street. New York, NY 1003.The Exhibition consists of 14 full body human specimens and over 200 organs. When one goes to this exhibition, one has to go completely open minded and aware that this bodies were willingly donated to assist educational, medical and scientific research. Through Polymer preservation, each body and organs in the nine galleries are dissected to clearly show the complex anatomical systems of the human specie.... [tags: anatomy, biology, exhibits,] 937 words

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My PhD: The Conservation Biology of Shorebirds - The main direction of my PhD is to reveal why shorebirds are declining. I propose to use a combination of research methods (fieldwork, GIS, phylogenetic analyses),


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