- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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The basic functions of management


Proper management is the recipe to the success of any business enterprise or organization. In fact training managers majorly aims at making the managers aware of the functions of the management role they are training to perform in future. Therefore, all managers are conversant with the functions they have to play and also how to perform these functions. The functions of management include: planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Buzzle, 2009). Failure or poor implementation of any of these functions can result in a terrible crisis. A good manager should therefore be able to diagnose any deficiency in implementation of any of these functions. As such managers should be able to foresee unexpected changes as they exercise these functions.


Irrespective of the kind of activity being undertaken, planning provides the starting point. Planning is simply the process of determining where you want to be and how to reach there i.e. establishing your path to the destination. In creating a proper plan, the management should first set clear goal and then decide on how to achieve them. This will involve determining the amount of resources required as well as the time needed to achieve the goals or objectives. Furthermore, the management also needs to decide on the number of people and equipment to employ.


Organizing is a very important factor in management. Organizing is best done after the planning process. This is facilitating the management to organize how to implement what is decided upon tin the planning stage. Organizing is basically involved in collecting the collection of things required before any work can start. As Certo (2000) assert, organization in this essence becomes a process of developing orderly use of the resources available. More so, managers should utilize this function as the basic mechanism for activating plans while making use of the available resources. In executing this, the following should be realized:

• Definition of the specific resources and their specific use

• Determination of the place, time and the way the resources are going to be used.

• Creation and maintenance of relationships between the organization’s resources.

• Minimization of duplication of efforts, idling of available resources and cost overruns

Organization process

The process of organization makes use of five important steps that help the management to realize efficiency. These steps are:

• Reflection on plans and objectives.

• Establishment of major tasks.

• Division of the major tasks to create sub-tasks.

• Allocation of necessary resources and proper directives to the sub-tasks.

• Evaluation of the results of the organization strategy.

The repeated implementation of these steps helps in creating a feedback mechanism the helps the managers know what to expect from their organization efforts


Leading can be defined as the skill that enables a manager to guide the activities of the employees purposively to the right direction. This comprises of various activities among them: motivating, teaching and proper communication (Robert, 2001). Communication


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