Pine Trees
Enviado por cristalclubensa • 17 de Mayo de 2015 • 3.468 Palabras (14 Páginas) • 280 Visitas
Science Class
Miss. Hellen Ruiz | Marcela Rivas
The tree is a great machine that stores energy and most of the essentials for life "(Johnson, H., 1996).
The pine belongs to the division of gymnosperms, conifers order, family Pinaceae. It has done work where it takes to know everything related to Pino, as is their physical characteristics and chemical, where today pine is the most important group of timber in North America for its extensive features and non-timber forest products that can be obtained from this. Pine gender is the largest family, with about 110 species. Pines thrive in a variety of habitats, from sea level to altitudes of 4,000 m, and are distinguished from other genera of the family leaves, arranged in bundles. Pine caribaea, is an important source of income, including non-timber forest products, which in this resin is very important where chemical processes are carried obtain other substances are highlighted.The caribaea pine, is found in extensive air, for example coming to occupy until 3550 has (reportedly unit forest management project of the Ministry of Agriculture). It is also located in ferritic soils in some regions appears associated with Pinus throne picalis Morelet, according to A. Betancourt, where Pino occupies the most fertile areas in the base of the hills. By including the weather as a factor where pine stands can be said that the average annual temperature in the region of Pinar del Rio, between 24,8ºC. To grow pine stands in Cuba has grown pine with flying 750m above sea level in about decollantes stop.
Pinus caribaea Morelet
Common names: male pine and yellow pine. Needle present and persistent leaves, arranged in bundles 2, 3 or 5 needles. They are resinous trees with pollen-producing male or female cones and inflorescences that lignifican to mature and produce seeds by (A. Betancourt) inflorescences.
Description: Pinaceae belongs to the family, pinales order.
Habit: tree that reaches heights of 30m and diameters up to 75cm, although optimal sites can reach heights of up to 45m and 135cm dbh, with straight and clean stem branches in the first 12m or more when adult.
Cup: pyramidal, with low horizons or deciduous branches and branches upstream surfaces.
Bark: In mature trees is thick, reddish-brown, and rough form plaques with deep vertical and horizontal cracks. In young trees the bark is reddish, rough and scaly.
Leaves: needle-shaped, in fascículs three (sometimes 2, 4, or 5), 15 -25cm long, rigid, dark green to yellowish green.
Flowers: male strobiles are numerous, sessile, short, arranged near the end of the twigs mainly in the lower section of the cup, 20 to 332mm long, with reddish brown bracts at the base. Female strobiles are located mostly in the upper part of the glass, near the apex of elongated twigs.
Fruits: cones are symmetrical, pendulums, 4-14cm long, 2.5-4.8cm in diameter when closed, appear alone or in groups of two to five, with brown when mature. Seeds are angled, ovoid, pointed, 6mm long and 3mm wide on average, mottled gray or tan color. It has a brown membranous wing up to 25mm long.
Pine schemes structures
In many places it has been reported tree mortality due to fungi Armillaria mellea, Phytoptona cinnamomi, Heterobasidion annsusm and Cylindrocladium spp. In Central America there are several problematic insects, mainly bark beetle (Dendroctous spp), the Pililla outbreaks (Rhyacionia spp.), The weevil outbreaks (Pissoles spp.), Defoliares of the family Tortricidae and cone beetles (Curculionidae).
They are narrowly ovoid, about 6 mm long; brownish gray with a brown membranous wing which remains attached to the seed. A cone contains 60-70 viable seeds and one kilogram, about 60 000. The germination can reach up to 50% in our country, and begins between six and ten days after planting. Seedlings are five to six cotyledons. Growth during the first two years is relatively slow, increasing from three to five years; Thus, under favorable conditions, can reach up to June 16, 17 ma ten.
In this species both natural regeneration is handled as planting. Natural regeneration can be carried out even in relatively dense pine forests, though it is considered a sun loving species, as their light requirement is not as high as in other species of our pines. (Lam. 1) Planting is done with positions obtained in nurseries bag system, which should remain for five to six months; although other shapes, such as planting bare root and can be applied directly.
The species is not good auto pruning, so in plantations for wood production sawmilling, pruning is necessary to improve artificial stem quality. Although plantings for other purposes, performing pruning is suggested to facilitate the entry to stand and reduce the risk of fire.
In Cuba grows on acidic soil reaction on clay hills with proportions of quartz, mica and slate and silica-clay soils, generous proportions of iron; ie in laterite soils.
Pines in general are scattered around the cold and temperate regions of the Earth. Many species are found in Mexico, at elevations ranging from sea level to 15 000 ft in subtropical and temperate climates. Abound in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua and in small groups of Ecuador and northern Costa Rica.
Wood is resinous, reddish-brown color and color intensity varies with the amount of resin present, no notable differences between sapwood and heartwood.
Growth rings are well defined; the areas of early wood and late wood clearly defined. Medium texture, grain prone to twisting, resinous touch and characteristic odor, mean density at 12% moisture of 0.740 g / cm3. It can be used in general construction, frames, doors, windows, adits, paper pulp, and so on.
For use in contact with the ground, it must be preserved and it is advisable to drill before nailing and screwing to prevent cracks.
Our object of study is the Pinus caribaea therefore be taken into account as the (Ing. Arnaldo Diaz) that this wood presents the simplest, and homogeneous tissues. They predominate tracheids (about 95%) with the dual function of driving and support. Keep in mind that in the pines, (or horizontal) and radical vertical resin canals communicate with each other forming systems of channels through which the resin flows.
The timber has very narrow branches