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Proceso mechanical properties of aluminum

Enviado por   •  19 de Abril de 2015  •  808 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  260 Visitas

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ABSTRACT: An alloy of aluminum-manganese was performed using an induction furnace. The induction furnace was heated until it reached a temperature above 1250 ° C to melt the first manganese, after reaching this temperature was added as a deoxidizer borax chloride was added to subsequently add the aluminum as the same material was used as descorificante. The result was an ingot which was characterized and made him different mechanical tests. in the mechanical tests performed I file a proof of superior hardness (26.75 rockwelll A) to the original, which found an improvement in their physical properties.


The effect of manganese aluminum alloy is increased mechanical resistance by solid solution or fine precipitates intermetallic. Does not change the corrosion resistance. Used to correct casting acicular needle shaped precipitates rich in iron and decrease its embrittling effect, although it promotes a fibrous structure in the ingot. In the form of fine precipitates prevent the grain growth in the recrystallization. Is that manganese increases the sensitivity to cracking of the heat treatable alloys. Up to 1.25% Mn is the main alloying in alloys of the type 3xxx. With large plastic deformations, these materials exhibit an acceptable drawability.


The induction furnace was heated until it reached a temperature above 1250 ° C to melt the first manganese, after reaching this temperature was added as a deoxidizer borax chloride was added to subsequently add the aluminum as the same material was used as descorificante.

The crucible containing the alloy which was removed from the furnace by means of tweezers as shown in the image.


The preparation of a specimen is usually: ROUGH, POLISHED AND ATTACK.

Having obtained the piece ingot was cut into two different areas to result in three parts which were subsequently re-cut, this in order to analyze the transverse and longitudinal section alike.

The specimens are roughed by passing successively by the abrasive papers, has deep scratches if it starts with the sandpaper No. 100 to 180, continuing with those already described to No. 600, keeping them at all times water lubricated, is supported on the sandpaper to rough face rubbed moving in one direction until they are observed on the surface roughing only marks for the paper in question, after washing the specimen roughing direction is rotated 90 degrees to move from a paper the next. Some attention must roughing on a role, even after missing the marks of the previous paper, in order to remove any plastic deformation below the surface, the result of some previous operation, concluding the thin slab is passed to the grinder it must have billiard cloth, moistened and added alumina levigated 5 microns in suspension, and maintaining always dampened cloth,


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