- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Many people think living in the countryside provides a better way of life. To what extent do you agree?

Enviado por   •  2 de Mayo de 2023  •  Tarea  •  298 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  548 Visitas

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Many people think living in the countryside provides a better way of life. To what extent do you agree?

A calmer pace of life, being in contact with nature and saving can be some incentives. However, to what extent do you agree?

Many people are convinced that living in the countryside helps to improve your health, because you breathe clean air, which in the city cannot be caused by pollution due to car smoke, burning garbage, etc. You also have a better diet because you eat the things you cultivate yourself like potatoes, carrots, etc., because they are not processed and do not have chemical compounds that smelt your body; that is, everything is completely natural.

It should be pointed out that everyday life is characterized by people living in very distant houses and their schools or work centers are further away, and they have to travel by horse or other animal transport. Close to where they live there are few shops and as the population is smaller, the names of each of the neighbors are usually known. Thanks to this every meeting is an opportunity to talk.

Additionally, another important point of living in the countryside is the economic issue is that house prices are lower and that both the fees and taxes to be paid are lower, you'll see that, at the time of buying essential products the villagers will sell you those products at a fair price of what you usually buy.

In conclusion, 
despite the above mentioned benefits of life in the countryside, it is also necessary to point out that the times have changed and that now the people have fit of technology and that it is no longer like in ancient times, for what i believe is the same as living in the city or the countryside.


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