- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Entrevista Ing. Rodrigo Regalado EVAP.

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.[pic 1]Differential Equation Final Project

Due Date:



Ricardo Arturo García Espinosa A01322960 IMD

Jahir Roberto Rivas Vázquez A01204988 IMT

Ramon Ariel Ivan Muñoz Corona A01330566 IMT


Co Evaluation:



Professor: José Santiago González García


Campus Metropolitano de la Ciudad de México

Escuela de diseño, ingeniería y arquitectura




NB. Sections denoted with [n] are cited directly from the corresponding reference

 Autonomous, first order differential equations

If in an ordinary differential equation doesn’t appear explicitly the independent variable, then it is called an autonomous differential equation. For example: are autonomous and non-autonomous respectively. [1][pic 2]

 Critical Points [1]

It is said that a real number c is the critical point of the autonomous differential equation is one of the roots of f, in other words, that . A critical point can also be called a stationary or equilibrium point. Saying this, if we put the constant function  in the equation, then both sides of the equation will become 0. This means that if c is a critical point of the equation, then  is a constant solution of the autonomous differential equation. [pic 3][pic 4][pic 5]

The constant solution  is known as the equilibrium solution; the equilibrium solutions are the only constant solutions of the equation. [pic 6]

Determining the algebraic sign of  we can determine when non-constant solution increases or decreases; on the  equation we can do it by identifying the intervals on y axis in with the function f(y) is positive or negative[pic 7][pic 8]

For example:

The differential equation:

[pic 9]

Where a & b are positive constants, has the normal form of . [pic 10]

We can observe that this equation has the same structure than  from the beginning. From  we can observe that 0 and  are critical points. Putting the points on a numeric line, we can see that we can find 3 intervals:[pic 11][pic 12][pic 13]

[pic 14][pic 15]

[pic 16]

[pic 17][pic 18][pic 19][pic 20][pic 21][pic 22][pic 23]

[pic 24]

The intervals are now:.[pic 25]

This table explains the figure:


Sign of f(P)


[pic 26]

[pic 27]


[pic 28]

[pic 29]


[pic 30]

[pic 31]


Solution curves

“Without solving the differential equations, we can say a lot about its solution curve. Because the function f on the previous equation “dy/dx” Is independent from the variable “x”, we can say that f is defined for  or for . Also, since f and its derivative f’ are continuous functions of y on some interval I of the y-axis, the fundamental results of the unique solution existence theorem, hold in some horizontal strip or region R in the xy-plane corresponding to I, and so through any point (x0, y0) in R there passes only one solution curve of dy/dx. [pic 32][pic 33]

For making our analysis, let’s suppose that the equation has exactly 2 critical points C1 & C2 and that C1 is minor than C2. The graphs of y(x) =C1 and y(x) =C2 are horizontal lines; this 2 lines divide the region R in 3 regions “R1, R2, R3”

[pic 34][pic 35]

Some of the conclusions from drawing about a non-constant solution y(x) of dy/dx are:

• If (x0, y0) is in a sub region  and y(x) is a solution whose graph passes through this point, then y(x) remains in the sub region Ri for all x. The solution y(x) in R2 is bounded below by c1 and above by c2, that is, c1[pic 36]

• By continuity of f we must then have either f(y)>0 or f(y)< 0 for all x in a sub region Ri, i =1, 2, 3. In other words, f(y) cannot change signs in a sub region.

• Since dy/dx=f(y(x)) is either positive or negative in a sub region Ri, i=1,2, 3, a solution y(x) is strictly monotonic—that is, y(x) is either increasing or decreasing in the sub region Ri. Therefore y(x) cannot be oscillatory, nor can it have a relative extremum (maximum or minimum).

• If y(x) is bounded above by a critical point c1 (as in sub region R1 where y(x)< c1 for all x), then the graph of y(x) must approach the graph of the equilibrium solution y(x)= c1 either as  or as . If y(x) is bounded above and below by two consecutive critical points, then the graph of y(x) must approach the graphs of the equilibrium solutions y(x)=c1 and y(x) =c2, one as  and other as .  If y(x) is bounded below by a critical point, then the graph y(x) must approach the graph of equilibrium solution y(x)=c2 either as   or as . [pic 37][pic 38][pic 39][pic 40][pic 41][pic 42]


The autonomous equation  possesses the single critical point 1. From the phase portrait we conclude that a solution y(x) is an increasing function in the sub regions defined by and , where . For an initial condition , a solution y(x) is increasing and bounded by 1, and so ; for  as a solution y(x) is increasing and bounded. [pic 43][pic 44][pic 45][pic 46][pic 47][pic 48][pic 49]

Now y(x)=1-1/(x+c) is a one-parameter family of solutions of differential equations. A given initial condition determines a value for c. For the initial conditions, say, y(0)=-1<1 and y(0)=2>1, we find in turn, that y(x)=1-1/(x+1/2), and y(x)=1-1/(x-1). [pic 50]


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