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The term alphabet derives from the Latin word alphabētum, which in turn has its origin in the first letters of the Greek language: alpha and beta. An alphabet is made up of the symbols that are used in the framework of a system that enables communication. Precisely the Greek alphabet is made up of a total of 24 letters and is considered to date from the 9th century BC. It seems that the Greeks were inspired or started, to some extent, by what the Phoenicians had created to give shape to theirs, which begins with the letter alpha and ends with the omega.

The concept is used as a synonym for the alphabet: the orderly succession of letters in a language. The Latin alphabet, also known as the Roman alphabet, is the one used in Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and other languages.

The Latin alphabet is made up of 26 main letters, starting with A and ending with Z. According to the language, certain letters are added: in Spanish, for example, the letter Ñ must be added. It should be noted that the alphabets are modified over the course of history. Previously, the Latin alphabet used in Spanish-speaking countries included the letters CH and LL, which were later eliminated.


El término alfabeto deriva del vocablo latino alphabētum, que a su vez tiene su origen en las primeras letras de la lengua griega: alfa y beta. Un alfabeto está formado por los símbolos que se utilizan en el marco de un sistema que permite la comunicación.

Precisamente el alfabeto griego se encuentra compuesto por un total de 24 letras y se considera que data del siglo IX a.C. Parece ser que los griegos se inspiraron o partieron, en cierta medida, del que habían creado los fenicios para darle forma al suyo, que da comienzo con la letra alfa y que finaliza en la omega.

El concepto se emplea como sinónimo de abecedario: la sucesión ordenada de letras de una lengua. El alfabeto latino, también conocido como alfabeto romano, es el que se usa en el castellano, el inglés, el alemán, el francés, el italiano, el portugués y otros idiomas.

El alfabeto latino está compuesto por 26 letras principales, comenzando por la A y terminando en la Z. De acuerdo al idioma, se añaden ciertas letras: en el castellano, por ejemplo, hay que agregar la letra Ñ. Cabe destacar que los alfabetos se van modificando con el correr de la historia. Anteriormente, en el alfabeto latino que se utiliza en los países hispanohablantes se incluían las letras CH y LL, que luego fueron eliminadas.

Ordinal number (mathematics)

Ordinal number (mathematics) In mathematics, an ordinal is a number that denotes the position of an element belonging to an ordered sequence. For example, in the sequence a b c d, element a is the first, b the second, c the third, and so on. Ordinal numbers can be generalized for infinite sequences, introduced by Georg Cantor in 1897. The concept of ordinal number, typical of mathematics, is also a linguistic concept (which is the one required by the Royal Spanish Academy). In this sense, it is the numeral that expresses the idea of ​​order or succession. It has gender ("first" / "first") and can appear apocopado ("first").

In ordinary language they are not used habitually until the 10th or 12th, and for superiors the corresponding cardinal is used: nineteenth century, John XXIII (twenty-three) Ordinal numbers are a generalization that extends the sequence of natural numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ... For that reason, although ordinal numbers are properly inductive sets, they are called "numbers". All ordinals make up a class, called Ord. The convenience of this generalization follows from the following observation: Natural numbers can be used for two different purposes: to. describe the size of a finite set, and b. describe the position of an element in a finite sequence. Ordinal numbers On many occasions it is necessary to put things in order: the final positions of a career or the floors of a building are some examples. When we use the natural numbers for this ordering we call them ordinals. Think of a multi-story building. Starting from the bottom up we assign a number to each floor to count them:

Natural numbers can be used for two different purposes: to. describe the size of a finite set, and b. describe the position of an element in a finite sequence. Ordinal numbers On many occasions it is necessary to put things in order: the final positions of a career or the floors of a building are some examples. When we use the natural numbers for this ordering we call them ordinals. Think of a multi-story building. Starting from the bottom up we assign a number to each floor to count them:

When expressing the order of the floors, we do it as follows: to the floor that corresponds to the number , we call it first floor; We call the one that corresponds to the second floor; to which the number corresponds we call it third, etc.

 Ordinal numbers Ordinals are used to:

 Give a date (only when it is the 1st of each month): • My birthday is the first of January. (The first of January)

 Put things in sequence: • Chile is first in the World Cup qualifiers.

 Say the floor where you live in a building: • The office is on the 10th floor. Versions or festivals: • This is the fiftieth version of the Calameño melon festival in the city of Calama.

Número ordinal (matemáticas)

En matemáticas, un ordinal es un número que denota la posición de un elemento perteneciente a una sucesión ordenada. Por ejemplo, en la sucesión a b c d, el elemento a es el primero, b el segundo, c el tercero, etc. Los números ordinales pueden generalizarse para las sucesiones infinitas, introducidas por Georg Cantor en 1897. El concepto de número ordinal, propio de las matemáticas, es también un concepto lingüístico (que es aquel que precisa la Real Academia Española). En este sentido, es aquel numeral que expresa la idea de orden o sucesión. Tiene género ("primero" / "primera") y puede aparecer apocopado ("primer"). En el lenguaje corriente no se utilizan habitualmente sino hasta el 10 o 12, y para los superiores se usa el cardinal correspondiente: siglo diecinueve, Juan XXIII (veintitrés)


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