El arte de la Guerra- Sun TZu.
Enviado por Clarissa Reinoso • 9 de Noviembre de 2016 • Documentos de Investigación • 1.303 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 277 Visitas
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Mss.Nany is a company which specializes in assistance and children cares, in order to offer them a better quality of life. It offers baby sitter services: for hours, temporary work and even permanent, with options for rent and buy.
Implementing the use of robots to develop face-to-face relationships. Our passion is to be devoted to the Nicaraguan families, children who need not only cares but also family assistance as a maid. ¨Mss. Nanny¨ prides us on making suitable matches and connections with our customers. In order to that, every robot will be personalized according to the needs and desires of every family.
To become a recognized leader providing the best cares for infants and maid services. Giving children a unique blend of fun and learning in a safe environment and giving trust to our customers based on our services.
- External Analysis
- Political
- Economic
- Social-Cultural
- Environmental
- Legal
- Social
From our ancestor until today, more than the half of the Nicaraguan population lives in rural areas, in isolated and marginal situations in marked contrast to even the poorest urban sector.
The life of the peasant woman has been very hard. In the rural world, the differences between men work and women work are strongly defined. The woman have been responsible for the home and care of the children, while the man has been responsible for the productive work on the farm and the care of the animals.
Poverty obliges various family members to work. A large percentage of the economically active women come from this sector. The reality is such that in the majority of cases, women work not only to contribute to the family income, but also to maintain the home. According to the statistics above, 83% of working women are heads of households. This exceptionally high figure is even more valid in the poor urban sector. The statistics for Managua indicate that 49% of the families have a woman as head of household, and of this number, 85% are economically active. (At the national level, 26% of all households have a woman as head.
According to the previous information we could determine that the rural zone of Nicaragua is more susceptible to become a maid or a babysitter, because they don’t have enough education and the needs to growth in life.
But the technology has come across the majority of the population, with smartphones being the first one, with this we can assure the acceptance of the technology advances because of the useful and dependable aplications for this.
And with the women empowerment we can see that they often look for jobs to maintain their own families, even when they have a men in their lifes that contributes economically, they don’t want to be at home anymore. A result of this we see very often families that eave their children with the maid all day long, and this is bad for the children because they loose that affection. For this is that Mss. Nanny is created
- Environmental
- For the Nicaraguan environment, the distribution of Mss. Nanny will be harmless because the production isn’t in this part of the country, not even when the product expired. This is because we will be an authorized reseller that will dedicate the marketing effort every day to be a successful leader in the robotics home applications. For the disposal of the expired or damaged robots we will recycle the parts than can be used as repair parts and the other robots will be returned to the production plant for them to dispose them correctly.
- Legal
At this moment, the robots aren’t a massive product yet so there aren’t any regulations in Nicaragua about how to the industry than can affect the prize of the product, for example in the form of taxes and import issues.
- Tecnological
The technological advances are on the rise, with more powerful and more compact and versatile that they can be utilized almost for every application you need, from machinery to regenerating tissues and full mobility prosthesis. At this moment, we have reached certain level in robot development that we can trust and we can depend on them. And with the constant automatization of activities or processes we hope that in a near future, the use of robots will be massively spread across the world.