El soldadito de plomo ingles-español
Enviado por Iris Romero • 2 de Marzo de 2018 • Resumen • 1.054 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 284 Visitas
From the story The firm lead soldier and the short musical adaptation of Disney 2000 we can see many similarities between them as well as some changes made from the original. In both there are soldiers, one of the little soldiers is missing a leg, there is a ballet dancer, at dusk the toys come to life, in both there is a small boat, the soldier is swallowed by a fish when it falls to the bottom of the sea and there is a elf or the doll in the box.
Some things that I have noticed that have changed from the original is that the original is a story and the representation is an animated film Walt Disney or a musical where what is presented are images and music where the characters do not speak but rather they act and dance. The number of soldiers also varies, in the original they are twenty-five and in the representation they are only five. The boat they use is paper and the other is wood. Another thing that changed was the end, in the original the soldier fell into the fireplace like the ballet dancer burning
These changes made from the original were not necessary, I think we must investigate what was the real purpose or what the creators of the representation wanted to emphasize. I can speculate that some reasons they had to make the changes is that they wanted to create more action in relation to the battle of the little soldier against the duende for defending the ballet dancer or that they did not like the ending, maybe they wanted a happy ending .
Algunas cosas que he podido observar que han cambiado de la original es que la original es un cuento y la representación es una película de animación de Walt disney o un musical en donde lo que se presenta son imágenes y música donde los personajes no hablan sino que actúan y bailan. Varía además la cantidad de soldaditos, en la original son veinticinco y en la representación son solamente cinco. El barco que utilizan uno es de papel y el otro es madera. Otra de las cosas que cambió fue el final, en la original el soldadito cayó en la chimenea al igual que la bailarina de balet quemándose.Some things that I have noticed that have changed from the original is that the original is a story and the representation is an animated film Walt Disney or a musical where what is presented are images and music where the characters do not speak but rather they act and dance. The number of soldiers also varies, in the original they are twenty-five and in the representation they are only five. The boat they use is paper and the other is wood. Another thing that changed was the end, in the original the soldier fell into the fireplace like the ballet dancer burning.
Estos cambios realizados de la original no se si fueron necesarios, pienso que hay que investigar cual fue el verdadero propósito o lo que querían destacar los creadores de la representación. Puedo especular que algunas razones que tuvieron para realizar los cambios es que querían crear más acción