Español Ingles Pronunciacion
Enviado por Tam Hernández • 30 de Marzo de 2019 • Apuntes • 1.680 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 200 Visitas
Español | Ingles | Pronunciacion |
Vocabulario | Vocabulary | Vocaibiulari |
Levantarse | Stand up | Stan up |
Sentarse | Sit down | Sit daun |
Escúchenme, por favor | Listen to me, please | Lisen tu mi, plis |
Por favor regresa a tu lugar | Please go back to your place | Plis, go back tu yur plais |
Deja de hacer ese ruido | Stop making that noise | Stop maiking dat noise |
Vamos a….. | We are going to | Wi are goin tu |
Repitamos | Let’s repeat…. | Lets repit |
Pon tus manos, arriba, abajo…. | Put your hands up, down… | Put yur hands up, daun…. |
Abran su libro en la pagina | Open your book on page | Open yur buk on paich |
Agarren la mano de su compañero | Hold your partner´s hand | Hold your parners hand |
Callados | Be quiet | Bi quaiet |
Ven aquí | Come here | Come hir |
Crucen los brazos | Cross your arms | Cros yur arms |
[pic 2] [pic 3]
Es hora de ir a casa | It is time to go home | Its taim to go hom |
Por favor pasen los lápices….. | Please pass out the pencil, eraser…. | Plis pas aut de pensil, ireiser… |
Adiós, nos vemos mañana | Goodbye, see you tomorrow | Gud bai, si yu tumorrouw |
Es momento de descansar | It is time to rest | Its taim tu rest |
Es momento de ir al salón | It is time to go to the classroom | Its taim tu go tu de clasrum |
Es momento de jugar | It is time to play | Its taim tu play |
Es momento de cantar | It is time to sing | Its taim tu |
Mi maestro es… | My teacher is miss…. | Mai ticher is mis… |
Hagan una fila | Form a straight line | Form a strait lain… |
Escribe tu … en ambos lados | Write your…. On both sides | Write yur….. on bout saids |
Escuchen | Listen | Lisen |
Ya terminaron? | Have you finished? | Hav yu finish? |
[pic 4] [pic 5]
Saludo | Greetings | Gritings |
Hola | Hello | Jelou |
Buenos Días | Good morning | Gud mornin |
Buenas Tardes | Good afternoon | Gud afternun |
Buenas noches | Good night | Gud nait |
Adiós | Good bye | Gud bai |
Mi nombre es | My name is | Mai neim iz |
Tengo años | I am years old | Ai am yirs old |
Tengo hermanos(as) | I have brothers/ sisters | Ai jav broder/sister |
Buenos modales | Good manners | Gud manners |
Por favor | Please | Plis |
Gracias | Thank you | Ten quiu |
Me Prestas | Can i borrow? | Can ai borrow? |
Puedo ir | Can i go to? | Can ai gou to? |
De nada | You´re welcome | Yur welcom |
Si | Yes | Yes |
No | No | No |
Nos vemos luego | See you soon | Si yu sun |
Como estas? | How are you? | jao ar yu? |
Me gusta | I like to | Ai laik tu |
[pic 6] [pic 7]
Colores | Colors | Colors |
Amarillo | Yellow | Yélou |
Azul | Blue | Blu |
Rojo | Red | Red |
Verde | Green | Grin |
Naranja | Orange | Óranch |
Café | Brown | Bráun |
Rosa | Pink | Pink |
Morado | Purple | Porpol |
Negro | Black | Blak |
Blanco | White | Wait |
Gris | Gray | Grei |
Azul marino | Navy blue | Neivy blu |
Violeta | Violet | Vaiolet |
Vocales | Vowels | Vauels |
A | A | Ei |
E | E | I |
I | I | Ái |
O | O | Óu |
U | U | Iu |
Abecedario | Alphabet | Alfabet |
A, B, C, D, E | A, B, C, D, E | Eí,bi,ci,di,í |
F, G, H, I, J | F, G, H, I, J | Ef,yi,eich,ái,yéi |
K, L, M, N, O | K, L, M, N, O | Kéi,él,ém,én,óu |
P, Q, R, S, T | P, Q, R, S, T | Pi, kiú, ar, es,ti |
U, V, W, X, Y, Z | U, V, W, X, Y, Z | Iu,vi,dobliu,ex,wai,zít |