- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  4 de Noviembre de 2014  •  670 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  149 Visitas

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The National University of Colombia, one of the more important institutions of superior education to Latin-American level, would not surprise anybody that out of the best in all his aspects, but unfortunately the corruption that overwhelms to Colombia, fact of theirs in the educational sector, besides colleges that literally are on the verge of falling in the whole country, has added the headquarters in Bogota of the UNAL, which has met harmed by the lack of resources on the part of the government.

The deteriorations in the physical infrastructure it is one of the countless consequences of the disminución of investment to the top education in Colombia, but there is something much more difficult of handling, is not only the financial deficit if not little interest on the part of the condition towards the education, health, housing, well-being etc., to this the problematics adds of " first I that the others ", those that are in a hierarchic level alone Superior they are interested the own well-being. The authority of the political social and economic power does that many of the most vulnerable persons he tolerates such conditions, as for example the fact of looking one for solution to a reform that the only thing that it does is to see an illusion or a solution to a problem, in what in context it does it is to conceal the reality and in a few cases maquillarla more that it is possible.

According to the published by the journalist Sergio Fernandez of the newspaper 2 shores, in the public universities of Colombia a deficit is lived in the funding of public education, according to a judgment and study presented by the administrative and financial vicerrectores of 32 public universities of the country, shows the mean way of the governments with the top education, where the study exposes the infracción in which it has committed the Colombian State with the universities at the expense of the decrees and judgments in wage matter and of presentations.

The happened incidents gave course to which there was lending the major attention of the guidelines of the university, which in his opinions emphasized that in vision of 10 years one expects to have infrastructures of major resistance, with an investment of approximately 300 millions of weight in the campus, everything with the hope to see a university with standards of world class.

Every day is a new experience, and though there am thought that of the incidents it was not extracted not well at all, it is necessary to to see for the second time and from a point of view of the second plane and aim, since these have been a motive of the remodeling and anticipation to future problems infraestructurales, on the contrary to negative opinions, arguments have in pro that defend the idea of a better social and educational environment.

The lack of discipline and commitment with a rich Country


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