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Enviado por yuli3126 • 28 de Junio de 2015 • 1.022 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 193 Visitas
oil is a of organic chemicals (liquids and dissolved gases) derived mainly the remain of microscopic plants and animals that lived in seas millions of years ago. special conditions and great lengths of time were needed for these remains to undergo complex chemical changes to form oil and gas
these products are often concentrated in accumulations
which man can detect exploit.
oil, however , is of little use in its crude state therefore we transport cruce oil to a refinery where it is converted by physical and chemical processes into a wide range of useful products.
LPG is the abbreviation for liquefied petroleum gas and consists of petroleum hydrocarbons which, although gaseous at normal ambient temperature and pressure.
they therefore can be conveniently store and transported as liquid in pressure containers.
three grades of gasoline are marketed
_unleaded low octane (91-93ron)
_unleaded -high octane ( 96 ron )
the higher the compression ratio of an engine, the better its fuel economy and power output. the extent to which the compression ratio can be raised, however, is limited by the the onset of detonation ( knocking or pinping. detonation is caused by the unburnt gases spontaneously exploding before the expanding flame in the combustion chaber reaches them.
a fuel,s ability to resist knock is called its octane rating it is measured by comparing the fuel,s potencial to cause knocking with that of a mixture of iso-octane, rated 100, and pure N-heptane, rated 0.
-define the octane number, and how is increased in gasoline.
thee are more that 900 refineries in operation around the world, more that one quarter of these operate in the USA seven refineries operate in australia.
now we will discuss how crude is converted into useable hydrocarbon products and then look at these specific products specifically we will cover:
- lpg
-aviation fuels
-fuel oil
-other fuels
in this section we will discuus the specific properties of the following fuels.
-fuel oil
as gasoline rises in temperature its constituent hydrocarbons vaporise. the ability of a material to vaporise - its volatility - is related to its boiling point, i.e. low boiling hydrocarbons are more volatile that high boiling ones.
hydrocarns in gasiline (of which there are more than 100 compounds) have different boiling points.
(boiling poins are a good general indication of volatility.
if a gasoline is described as having a high volatility, this means that a relatively large proportion of its hydrocarbons boil at the lower temperature end - the front end boiling range )
a good quality gasoline needs to evaporate smoothly over its whole boiling range and also needs to keep withing strict volatily limits to prevent in the engine.
- list the basic properties of the following fuels:
-aviation fuels
-fuel oil
-define the term volatility.
el petróleo es una de productos químicos orgánicos (líquidos y gases disueltos) deriva principalmente del quedará de plantas y animales microscópicos que vivieron en los mares hace millones de años. Se necesitan condiciones especiales y grandes períodos de tiempo para estos restos a sufrir cambios químicos complejos para formar gas y petróleo
estos productos suelen concentrarse en las acumulaciones
que el hombre puede detectar explotar.
aceite, sin embargo, es de poca utilidad en su estado