- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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14/06/15 guadalupe nuevo leon

interviewee: Linkin Park

1.- when you were young they thought they were going to be in a band?

R: not, of course not, of chester and mike, yes It was his dream but the rest of the ban not.

2.-  that year they began as a group?

R: in 1996, but there were some departures and returns.

3.- who after going off the band reentered?

R: Dave, it came out in 1998, and he returned in 2001.

4. which it was his first album?

R: Hybrid Theory, in 200 to 2002.

5.- they were inspired to the name?

R: the name is inspired by the lincoln park, chicago park.

6.- chester, as was the divorce of your parents for you?

R: It was a very difficult time, he began in drug abuse to the point that her long, were always problems, even after divorce, but it's in the past.

7.- as music has helped you in situations how are you?

R: too, it was my escape from reality at the time, and I think that also made me get into music.

8.- was difficult to integrate as a band between us?

R: really not, we get along very well from the started.

9.- you are considered in the current rock?

R:we consider ourselves a band that marked a generation and many people, but no more or less than another band.

10.- to name a few, tell me which countries people are more turned on your music?

R: definitely, Mexico, Canada, E.U.A, Spain, Brazil, etc.

11.- because Meteora?

R: really with that record we wanted to find a hallmark of the band, more than any other.

12.- and they do it?

R: not exactly, it made us realize that it is not an album that marks a band, but throughout his career.

13.- mike very highly, and that's with the hunting party?

R: It is our latest material and hope they enjoy it, and we work hard on it.

14.- when in Mexico?

R:soon expect to be there, but that if we try to go to most of the country.

15.- and finally, when they think throwing the album?

R: hope will come out by the end of May this year.


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