Transferencia Unidad 1 Ingles 1
Enviado por DestroJer666 • 5 de Noviembre de 2012 • 361 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 755 Visitas
Ingles I Campus virtual
Transferencia unidad nº 1 collaborative task (units 1-7)
Preparado por
Arnold Ramiro Acosta Sánchez
Jorge Mora
Miguel Alfonso contreras
1. El párrafo anterior se encuentra incompleto y debe seleccionar de las opciones dadas, un verbo que complete la frase (escritura y gramática correcta); las frases deben rescribirse en inglés con el verbo seleccionado.
Mr. Lee is a bus driver. Every day he gets up at 7:00 a.m. and prepares for his day. He showers, eats his breakfast, and puts on his uniform. Sandra, His wife drives him to the station where he checks in with his supervisor. Then, he gets on Bus #405 and starts the engine. He pulls out of the parking lot and begins his route. At his first stop, he picks up Mrs. Miller, who lives in a red house on the corner of Main Street and Seventh Avenue. She works at the post office and has to be to work by 9:00. At the next stop, the Bartlett twins get on the bus. They attend class at Bayside Elementary. More children get on at the next three stops, and they ride until the bus reaches their school. Mr. Lee enjoys seeing the kids every day and is happy to see them again in the afternoon when he drives them safely back home.
2. Responda las siguientes preguntas en inglés con base en el texto. Tenga en cuenta que deben ser respuestas completas:
Does Mr. Lee work in a train station?
-No, the Lord works driving a bus
Do Bartlett twins study at Bayside Elementary?
- Yes, Bartlett twins study at Bayside Elementary
Does Sandra work in a bus station?
-No, Sandra did not work in the bus station
Do they stop the bus before arrive their school?
-Yes, you must stop before reaching the bus to school
Does Mrs. Miller work in a school?
-No, she works in a post office
3. Con base en la lectura, cada integrante del grupo deberá construir dos preguntas y responderlas en inglés empleando las Wh questions (tema visto en las unidades 4 y 5).
What time Mr. Lee rises every day?
Answer: Mr. Lee gets up at 7:00 o'clock
What is the name of Mr. Lee's wife?
Answer: His name is Sandra