- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ethics and Psychology. From Self-Knowledge to Fullfillment.

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Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios

Superiores de Monterrey.

Campus Guadalajara.

[pic 1]

Ethics and Psychology. From Self-Knowledge to Fullfillment.

Final Project




21 de abril de 2023

Part A. For this part of the final project, you must analyze six tweets, one per moral foundation. In a document (Word or PowerPoint), copy and paste the screenshots of those tweets:

a. Select 1 tweet for each moral foundation (6 in total)

b. Identify the moral foundation present in the tweet and explain why

c. Identify whether the stance is progressive or conservative

d. Identify whether what is expressed there is a moral judgment or an ethical judgment


a. [pic 2]

b. The moral foundation of Care/Harm is concerned with the protection and well-being of others, particularly the vulnerable and the powerless. The tweet's emphasis on combating poverty reflects a concern for the well-being of those who are less fortunate.

c. In my opinión is a progressive stance since it is refering at it as an investment in human well being instead of a burden to society. It also is consistent with progressive values that prioritize social justice and equality.

d. I think is an ethical judgement since everyone deserves the same oportunities as anyone and also is considering the well-being of others.


a. [pic 3]

b. The moral foundation presented on this tweet is fairness since Turkey is giving a puppy to Mexico for the loss of a puppy Mexico sent when Turkey needed help after the earthquake on February 6th. It is a nice gesture since they show that they really appreciated the help received.

c. The stance is progressive as it creates stronger relationships between the 2 countries involved and also makes clear that both care for the other.

d. In my opinión this is a Moral judgement since I dont think there was any rule or obligation on Turkey to give a dog back to Mexico, but they just felt it was a good thing or the right thing to do.


a. [pic 4]

b. The user emphasizes the need to defend freedom, liberty, and the future of all children. It highlights the importance of fighting for rights and living without fears and oppression.

c. The stance expressed in the tweet leans towards a progressive perspective. It emphasizes the importance of defending freedom, liberty, and the future of all children, which aligns with the values of social progress

d. The judgment expressed is primarily ethical, as it emphasizes the moral imperative to uphold fairness, justice, and hope for humanity's survival.


a. [pic 5]

b. The moral foundation of Loyalty/Betrayal is concerned with the values of loyalty, gratitude, and maintaining relationships. In this tweet, the user expresses gratitude towards Pedro Ferriz for the opportunity to participate periodically in CentralEq and for his generous words. It reflects a sense of loyalty and appreciation towards Pedro Ferriz for the support and opportunities provided.

c. Conservative as it emphasizes gratitude and loyalty towards Pedro Ferriz. It reflects a desire to uphold and maintain positive relationships and connections

d. The judgment expressed is primarily ethical, as it centers on acknowledging and appreciating the actions and words of Pedro Ferriz in a moral and grateful manner.


a. [pic 6]

b. The moral foundation of Authority/Subversion is concerned with the respect for authority, traditions, and social order. The tweet's reference to being responsible when using a microphone suggests a recognition of the power and influence that comes with having a platform or voice.


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