- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Llevar un registro de los aspectos relevantes de la historia del arte, a partir de valores artísticos y estéticos

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Actividad: formativa 6: Llevar un registro de los aspectos relevantes de la historia del arte, a partir de valores artísticos y estéticos.






Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Centro Tecnológico de la Amazonia

Guianza Turística

Florencia – Caquetá

13 marzo, 2022

Training activity 6: Keep a record of relevant aspects of the history of art, from artistic and aesthetic values.

 Actividad formativa 6: Llevar un registro de los aspectos relevantes de la historia del arte, a partir de valores artísticos y estéticos.

Read stories and technical documents to write a text.

  Leer cuentos y documentos técnicos para escribir un texto.

For a tour guide it is essential to master the English language and have the necessary ability to express themselves fluently in the language that the foreign visitor requires, thus fulfilling the role of making known the different elements of art found in the environment, with the in order to provide tourists with relevant information about the cultural and natural heritage, thus achieving a positive projection of the country, attracting more visitors and discovering foreign exchange.

 Para un guía turístico es fundamental dominar el idioma inglés y tener la capacidad necesaria para expresarse con fluidez en el idioma que requiera el visitante extranjero, cumpliendo así el rol de dar a conocer los diferentes elementos de arte que se encuentran en el entorno, con el In con el fin de brindar al turista información relevante sobre el patrimonio cultural y natural, logrando así una proyección positiva del país, atrayendo más visitantes y descubriendo divisas.

To complete the test, the learner must:

 Para completar la prueba, el alumno debe:

1. Read the supplementary materials “Summarizing. Getting to the point” and “Summing up. Practice 1” to have the necessary tools to prepare the evidence.

 1. Lea los materiales complementarios “Resumir. Ir al grano” y “Resumiendo. Practica 1” para tener las herramientas necesarias para preparar la evidencia.

2. In the technical section, consult the training material “Cultural and natural destinations in Colombia”, specifically the section “Let's write”, where you will find strategies to write a summary.

2. En la sección técnica, consulta el material de capacitación “Destinos culturales y naturales en Colombia”, específicamente la sección “Escribamos”, donde encontrarás estrategias para redactar un resumen.

3. After analyzing the content of the materials, carefully read the following three texts:

 3. Después de analizar el contenido de los materiales, lea atentamente los siguientes tres textos:

Text 1: jeans


(Story: 450 words)

Sunset. The sun seals the workday with a long and silent kiss. Herons flying in groups cast a long shadow on the emerald green plains, uniting the eternity of heaven and earthly purity. In the immensity of the aquatic world, the water melts with the red of the sky, turning the orange of the piranhas into an underwater rainbow, crossed by a world of tiny colored fish.

The day was dying, but the shadows of the night were accumulating to cover the thirsty plains with their veil of mystery and stillness, watched from the infinite by the moon. When the moon appears, the maporas are illuminated with their brilliance while the sky is dressed in thousands of colors, in and describes less mirages of lights, feathers, screams and trills.

Dusk on the plains is an introduction to the appearance of ghosts, which is why the llaneros rush home to avoid the pranks of the goblins. In the rivers traveling in bongos, a large and tight boat to transport over the rivers. The beloved horse is the only friend of the llanero, after the domestication of the horse, he is the only invaluable thing among all his possessions, but he cannot allow him to sleep in the hammock.

It's a full moon night, just for ghost stories. The glow of the moonlight fills the plains of goblins. In the dark the objects tend to be larger, scarier, the distances deeper than it really is, and among the cowboys there is always someone who wants to talk about ghosts that he had seen. The night is the time to rest: the only meal during the day is coffee in the morning and dinner until sunset. Imagine you have to work all day, testing extremely large and strong horned cows and bulls for miles of square kilometers around, crossing rivers, swamps and deserts in the scorching sun running after cattle, and all you drink is a Cup of coffee. Do you think you can handle that? Well, that could do it if you have the power of songs, because whenever the llanero works, a song, a verse runs on his lips to calm the cows when they mark them with burning iron. But tying is not the only job they have to do. There is much work to be done!

After dinner, each one goes to his hammock and the stories begin to flow from the mind, the thoughts, the happy stories of the trip, and, the laughter and the stories as a background of the plain life, the trip ends, for give a light. another the next morning, full of poems, dust, and bravery.

Text 1: vaqueros


(Historia: 450 palabras)

Puesta de sol. El sol sella la jornada laboral con un beso largo y silencioso. Las garzas que vuelan en grupos proyectan una larga sombra sobre las llanuras verde esmeralda, uniendo la eternidad del cielo y la pureza terrenal. En la inmensidad del mundo acuático, el agua se funde con el rojo del cielo, convirtiendo el naranja de las pirañas en un arcoíris submarino, atravesado por un mundo de diminutos peces de colores.

El día moría, pero las sombras de la noche se acumulaban para cubrir las llanuras sedientas con su velo de misterio y quietud, vigiladas desde el infinito por la luna. Cuando aparece la luna, las maporas se iluminan con su brillo mientras el cielo se viste de miles de colores, en y describe menos espejismos de luces, plumas, gritos y trinos.

El anochecer en los llanos es una introducción a la aparición de fantasmas, razón por la cual los llaneros corren a casa para evitar las bromas de los duendes. En los ríos viajando en bongós, un bote grande y estrecho para transportar sobre los ríos. El amado caballo es el único amigo del llanero, después de la domesticación del caballo, es lo único invaluable entre todas sus posesiones, pero no puede permitir que duerma en la hamaca.


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