Tradicional de la historia sobre el juicio de Socrates
Enviado por espitia84 • 25 de Abril de 2015 • Ensayo • 435 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 197 Visitas
se puede comprender a la Apología de Sócrates como un invaluable ejemplo ideológico y argumentativo de la Antigua Grecia. Nos da a entender la importancia de la virtud espiritual, de la sabiduría y sus limitaciones, de la argumentación lógica, de la convicción, así como de muchos otros principios de la vida misma
Es difícil comprender la decisión final del jurado. Personalmente apoyaría a Sócrates por haber demostrado dialécticamente que no era culpable de las acusaciones imputadas. Sin embargo, existe en ciertos momentos un tono considerablemente arrogante, por parte de Sócrates, que pudo haber irritado al jurado y sentenciado su vida. No obstante, considero que la justicia debe ser objetiva e imparcial y que el filósofo debió haber sido absuelto al tomar en cuenta la falsedad de las acusaciones únicamente.
where Socrates gives a passionate defence of his life and philosophy, is one of the classics of Western literature. For different groups of later Greek philosophers he was the model both of a sceptical inquirer who never claims to know the truth, and of a 'sage' who knows the whole truth about human life and the human good. Among modern philosophers, the interpretations of his innermost meaning given by Montaigne, Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche are especially notable.
We can understand the Apology of Socrates as an invaluable ideological and argumentative example of ancient Greece. It implies the importance of spiritual virtue, wisdom and its limitations, logical argumentation, conviction, as well as many other principles of life such as friendship and courage. An example of his courage is portrayed when he criticizes a politician by describing how he “could not help thinking that he was not really wise, although he was thought wise by many, and wiser still by himself; and I went and tried to explain to him that he thought himself wise, but was not really wise; and the consequence was that he hated me, and his enmity was shared by several who were present and heard me.” He was never afraid of saying what he thinks and feels about other people. In addition, this reading is crucial to understand the way Greeks conducted a trial and their week democracy in which Socrates was unfairly was sentenced to death by popular vote.
La historia tradicional del juicio de Sócrates presenta al filósofo como víctima de un estado intolerante y corrupto. Así, Sócrates se ha transformado en el símbolo del hombre que muere defendiendo sus ideas.
The traditional story about the trial of Socrates. This essay is intended to demonstrate that this story is untrue: Socrates, despite his importance in Philosophy, was, within the active political life in Athens, the coun