Embera woanaan english Panama
Enviado por Noemy Jurado • 20 de Septiembre de 2018 • Tarea • 1.120 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 384 Visitas
Embera wounaan
- Custom and traditions.
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- Cocobolo wood carving
The cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa), is a native tree of Central America. Of beautiful color, hardness and density, its wood is magnificent to elaborate pieces of crafts. Emberá-Wounaan artists make them inspired by the nature that surrounds them, they also produce ceremonial objects and utensils.
It is one of the precious woods of greater demand worldwide. In danger of extinction, the Panamanian government ordered the prohibition of their felling (28.04.2011). The Embera-Wounaan wait for their branches to fall or are old enough to cut them off.
- Piragua, Canoe
Canoe-making experts made them hollowing out a trunk. They used the hawthorn cedar (Bombacopsis fendleri), the spavé (Anacardium excelsum), or the yellow pine (Lafoensia punicifolia). To propel them, oars - also in one piece - or long rods to push them.
The life of the Emberá - Wounaan is developed around the rivers, for they transport the products that commercialize and make their social contac.
- Basketry
They perform their work with the fibers extracted from the young leaves of the chunga (Astrocaryum standleyanum) and nahuala (Jipijapa, Carludovica palmata).
They produce baskets, mats, plates, ornaments and masks that usually reproduce animal heads.
- Food.
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The Embera gastronomy, is related to the forest, all the ingredients, meats, tubers and others come from the nature, since the town Embera generally inhabits in the tributaries of the rivers and great mountains.
The Bodochi: It is a dish very quoted by the Emberá and Waunáan of Panama, since its ingredients are natural and made in leaves of bijao. Usually the bodochi in one of the dishes most consumed by the embera and wounaan families, since it is accompanied by meat or fish of the flora and fauna of the region.
- Dress.
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The men use a cover-sex that they call Guayuco (Andia) and a skirt artisan originally made with seeds and in recent times with plastic chaquiras (used in special occasions) called Amburä, but when they go to the towns they dress shirt and trousers, although at the moment men wear modern T-shirts and pants. Women wear Paruma (Gua) fabrics and wrap their knee-high hips and necklaces around their necks, called Shakiras, and their bodies painted by Jagua, natural paint produced by a plant.
- Goberment.
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The political organization of the Emberá-Wounaan existed from 1968 and 1969, year in which the First Indigenous Congress was held in Altos de Jesús, province of Veraguas. There the first Emberá caciques were chosen. They were based for their organization in the Guna model.
The district is administered through a traditionally democratic government structure, led by a General Cacique, elected by the General Congress, in which the full adult population has a voice and vote.
The Emberá Region was officially recognized by law 22, approved by the national assembly on November 8, 1983.
The family is based on monogamy. They prefer marriage between members of their own tribe. In spite of this they are observed mixed with non-indigenous groups.
Healers or "jaibanaes" occupy an important place; perform healing sessions or impressive rituals.
- Dance
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Their dances are characterized by dancing in groups at parties and ceremonies. They are accompanied by the music produced by the accordion, flutes, drums and rattles. It is customary to perform this dance, in ceremonies and very important rituals like the ceremony of puberty, or the ceremony of the chicha sung. In addition it must be said that the music they interpret, their rhythm is similar to a lament.
- Location.
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Its extension covers 4383,5 km ² and owns a population of 9,544 inhabitants (2010).
the majority of these belong to the Embera and Wounaan ethnic groups, distributed in 40 communities.
The Embera-Wounaan ethnic group covers five hundred hectares and is divided into forty-two communities with a total of approximately nine thousand Indians.
This indigenous group is divided into the Wounaan and Emberas. The former inhabit the Darién areas, scattered on the shores of the Membrillo, Tupiza, Tuira, Sábalo and Jingurundo rivers. They inhabit the collective land outside of the region in Puerto Lara, Balsas, Jaqué, Sambú and Río Catre. Emberás live on the banks of the Chucunaque, Tuira, Tupiza and Río Chico rivers and also live in the province of Panama: Chagres, Mocambo Abajo, San Antonio, Gamboa and Emberá Gatún, majé.