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Project of English

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Project of English


December 4ht 2011

ACTIVITY: Talk about a special book that you had read in the past or you are reading at this moment.

Why did you choose this book?

Why will you recommend some one to read it?


1-I’m Reading the book rich dad poor dad of author Robert T KiyosakiCurrently, people tend to perform labor and financially in accordance with a scheme that does nothing but perpetuate harmful patterns in monetary terms. Nearly all learn about money from our parents.

What can you say in this regard a poor parent to your child? Very simple, "continues in school and study hard." At first glance, this seems a sensible response, but the problem is that schools are not prepared to deal with money issues. Graduating with honors or knowledge does not ensure a successful performance in what money management is concerned. At most, the young graduates with a poor mentality.

For this reason, it is important to break certain myths that surround the world of finance. And to that end, is important to understand how they work, and take a more positive attitude toward them. This is the knowledge that parents give their children rich.

"I do not work for money, money works for me!" Said rich dad.

STAGE 1 (Business)

A job was not the answer, it was clear to him, therefore began to focus on what more cash flow you could give: a business. Banks are lending to entrepreneurs friends, but not to people who invest in the stock market, the risk level they understand, this can have.

Build your own business what he did as part of its initial stage to financial freedom. Although not always fared well in their business (the oil company, never found oil, for example), also knew that it was essential to generate cash flow.

STAGE 2 (Real Estate)

Then turning to undertake for some years with his wife, Kim, had achieved cash flow, but also had gained experience and attract the interest of banks (banks love the people who generate cash flow) and were willing to grant credits. Stage two was initiated. They had cash flow and more effective than the bank was willing to lend.

The property prices began to crumble, and heeded Kiyosaki's famous phrase:

"When everyone is selling, you buy"

Began buying all the properties that could with the money from banks. The question here is: if you had managed to make money with their business, why the bank used the money instead of yours? The answer is simple: so do the rich. Most people hate the loans, but the rich do not, because to them a debt can become a great leverage.

It was the right time to buy and properties that were acquired as good a price to be paid alone. With the


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