- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Didactics of English

Enviado por   •  13 de Mayo de 2014  •  277 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  322 Visitas

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Activity 1: Recognition

Paula Alejandra Benjumea Prieto

ID 96020905538

Group 551026_20

Julio Cesar Tulande Rengifo


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia -UNAD-

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciatura en Inglés como Lengua Extranjera

Didactics of English

La Dorada



1. How many people are there in your collaborative group? Write the names, city and contact information: R//: There are six persons, including me:


City Contact information

Paula Alejandra Benjumea La Dorada – Caldas Email:

Skype: paula-benjumea

Telephone number: 314 250 4896

Julio Cesar Tulande Rengifo

(Tutor – CEAD Popayan) Popayan Email:

Jhonatan Veloza Pitalito Email:

Skype: jhonatan.veloza.

Olga Marlen Herrera Bogotá Email:

Skype: olgher3

Karen Eliana Alarcon Sogamoso Email:

Gloria Esperanza Manrique


2. In the Course Syllabus and in the didactic material you can find all the course units, chapters and lessons, how many chapters are there? What are their names? Which seems the most interesting?

The course units are:

Unit 1: Didactics and main skills in language teaching

1. Its chapters are: The language teaching, motivational strategies in the language classroom, teaching language skills

Unit 2: Curriculum, lessons and evaluation design in language teaching.

2. Its chapters are: the ELT curriculum: a flexible model for changing world, lesson planning, approaches to evaluation in teaching English.

The most interesting for me are the chapters “motivational strategies in the language” and “approaches to evaluation in teaching English”. I consider that in Colombia to the people don’t like learning others languages because the methodologies are very confused for them, so tends to give up. The persons seen obliged to learn other universal languages how the English, French and mandarin because their jobs require that must be so, but not because they want or like it. So, know strategies for restore the animosity and pleasure to acquiring a language is amazing.


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