Features of using English
Enviado por cocotuti • 19 de Agosto de 2014 • 6.424 Palabras (26 Páginas) • 409 Visitas
Through this work I would like to know a little to inform me and to present about what is the English language today and it was ten years ago; in the 90’s.
Here you will can to find information about the use specific of the English language, culture, needs for learn this language, still popular in the twenty-first century, importance in the work, importance in times of globalization, among others aspects related.
I think that be informed about this is very good, because the English language along the time has taken great importance ; more in the actuality, worldwide…
Also to learn is always rewarding!!!!
The height of the English in this century has been considerable. This must to the global tendencies in technology, demography and economy. Since the English is one of the used languages more around the world, often reference to him like the “global language” is made, the “frank language” of the modern era. Hundreds of million people are learning English, the language of the planet for the commerce, the technology and, more and more, the power.
It is possible to stand out that there are 3 types of speaking of the English language: those for which it is his maternal language, those that speak English like second language and those learn that it like a foreign language. According to David Crystal (2003), “never there had been a language that was spoken more by people they use than it like second language that like maternal language. The loudspeaker of English as foreign language and second language surpasses the people who speak English like maternal language in a proportion from 3 to 1. The British Council declares that although the English is not an official language in many countries, if he has a special status in about 75 countries. It is the language that more this teaching itself likes second language around the world. More Chinese children exist learning English (approximately 100 million) who British people.
The study of the English, the universal language, has become almost obligatory at level university, and labor everywhere of the world. It does not matter what you want to make or be, the importance of the English is fundamental in any scope of the personal or professional life: it is the language used mainly in international businesses and tourism and has become the second preferred language of the world. It is the tool that allows the communication with people of other countries, within the globalized world in which we lived. In the economic field, the industry, the businesses, the international trade, the entire productive universe is written, it is spoken and it is read in English. The British Council also emphasizes that a third of books of the world is published in English and that 75% of the scientific bibliography also are in English. Therefore, nowadays, any investigator or professional who wants to be up-to-date or to accede to specialized books irremediably needs to know how English to be informed into the fast advances that are taking place in their area of knowledge.
In addition, the English is the language of the telecommunications (with 80% of the stored information electronically). Of the considered total of 40 million users of Internet, an 80% communicate at the moment in this language. The majority of the sites is published in English. In addition, the percentage of users of the network who are not speaking native of the English is being increased quickly, especially in Asia.
By world-wide consensus, the English has been chosen like the language of the international communication. He is, “de facto”, the language of the diplomacy, in “a global” world in which the relations between countries are every time of greater importance. He is also, by international treaty, the official language of the sea communications and aerial. In the same way he is one of the official languages of the European Union and the United Nations, and the majority of international the athletic organizations, including the Olympic Committee. Also, the English is the used language more in the world by the international trade.
Also he is indispensable to speak English when he travels himself or he goes out himself on vacations to the foreigner: in order to go of purchases, to take means from transport without losing itself, to request the account in a restaurant, to make contact with enemy with the people and her culture of ample way. Not he matters to what place goes, if English speech many probabilities are head of finding another person who speaks also it, something that could remove from hardships in more than an occasion. In the land of the studies, it is a key tool for the academic triumph. To learn English no longer is a luxury, is a necessity that nowadays is not put in judgment fabric. Bond more that knows more.
The English is a requirement indispensable for the majority of the races and is used in the study of almost all the academic fields. It is the language that allows you to accede to more and better supplies of work. He is enough with watching in the supplies of work of main newspapers. As a result of this, the UASLP for more than 10 years provides to the students with English the University Department of and the centers of car-access, that are the tools necessary to not only survive in the society, but to be able to compete in this globalized world. Nevertheless, it continues being necessary to face different problems between which they are the lack of motivation of the students to learn the language and to fail to take advantage of from the excellent facilities that put to their reach an ample variety of resources and modern equipment. It is why we must motivate the students to learn English.
Ours first work like educational is to obtain that the students want to learn. In the education of languages the motivation is essential, since it is to use a language that is not hers, that simultaneously does not dominate and to learn envelope she. The pupils are not the unique person in charge of his motivation; the professor must do all the possible one to help them and to wake up his curiosity. Given the situation, I make a call to all the professors, not only to those of English but of all the areas, to motivate the students, to present the importance of learning this language and developing a positive attitude towards this matter.
One treats, really, to recognize that the dominion of the English has become a more and more urgent necessity like world-wide mass media, like essential tool of access to sources of intelligence and unquestionably to compete in this globalized world.
Importance of English
Today more than ever it is essential to learn the English language. Every seem