- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  13 de Marzo de 2014  •  606 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  307 Visitas

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KIARA: Good morning teacher and classmates, today we would like to talk to you about one of the most important problems in our city, but we will begin by showing you results of a Peruvian survey that took place in October of last year. Some Peruvians were interviewed and they answered this question: In your opinion, what are the most important problems in our city? And if you can see the picture, according to the survey, Citizen Insecurity was chosen by the majority of citizens like the most important problem in Lima. After that, our president gave his opinion about it, He said that he didn't know if citizen insecurity would be the most important problem of Peru in the future, but he knew that it was a daily reality and if we didn't do anything to stop it, it would be worse than before" Also he said that this problem had been present in our city all the time, unfortunately, all the governments had tried to solve it for many years but they couldn't do anything because it took too much time to do it”. As you can see citizen insecurity is a big problem in our city, there are a lot of things are causing this problem, but today we are going to focus only in 4 topics, vandalism, kidnappings, drugs and sexual abuse, so now Marcelo is going to talk to you about more information of our first topic.

KIARA: Another topic that is related with citizen insecurity is kidnappings. The number of kidnappings has been constantly increasing in our city. As you can see, 136 cases of kidnapping were registered in 2009 and 436 cases of them were registered in 2013. So, why is there too much difference between the numbers of cases? Well, this is caused by this reason, in the past the majority of victims were rich people, kidnappers used to ask for too much money for their victim’s life because their families could afford to pay it, now they don’t care if their victims are poor or rich people because they have enough reasons to kidnap them. One of the most popular reasons is “human trafficking”, nowadays there is too much children passing for this problem, they are sent to different parts of our country for only one purpose: they are exploited and sexually abused. Some of them are forced to work. I believe it’s inappropriate for them because they aren’t old enough to work, they should go to school and share moments of happiness with their families, on the other hand, the majority of them are prostituted and from my point of view no one can force anyone to do something against their will because everybody has the right to be respected. About the predictions, First, I think kidnapping will be always present in our city, because for kidnappers there is nothing like easy money and when you have easy money is very difficult to stop doing that. For this reason “kidnappings” are considerate like a big business, but an illegal business. Second, I wish the number of victims would decrease, I always advise


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