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Allison Sudradjat Prize

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Australia Awards Scholarships

Allison Sudradjat Prize




This document provides guidance to scholars who receive an Allison Sudradjat Prize and to other stakeholders who are responsible for administering the Prize.


Allison Sudradjat was the Minister Counsellor in Indonesia for the Australian Agency for International Development, AusAID. She died tragically on

7 March 2007 as a result of a plane crash in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Allison was deeply passionate about education as one of the pillars of development. In her 18 years with AusAID she poured her significant energy into education activities. This included managing the scholarships program during her first posting to Indonesia from 1992 to 1995 and overseeing the first intake of Australian Leadership Awards scholars from Indonesia in 2006.

Allison dedicated her life to humanitarian work. Her intellectual and practical approach to the challenges of development was truly extraordinary. Allison led Australia's humanitarian response to some of the region's worst disasters in recent years, including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

Allison was one of AusAID’s most dedicated officers. She had an extraordinary impact on her colleagues, both in Canberra and at the two Australian missions in Indonesia and PNG where she spent 10 years working to improve the lives of people in those two countries. She was an inspirational leader and people looked to her with great respect, admiration and fondness.

In Allison’s memory, each year, six Australian Awards Scholarship awardees who are outstanding scholars and current or emerging leaders also receive an Allison Sudradjat Prize. Four are awarded in Indonesia where Allison was based in the early- to mid-1990s and from 2005-2007, and two are awarded in Papua New Guinea where Allison was based at the AusAID Port Moresby office from 1996-2001. Individuals do not apply for the Prize.

Prize entitlements

1. Allison Sudradjat Prize recipients receive the entitlements of their Australia Awards Scholarship, plus the following benefits:

• up to A$25,000 (including management fee) to undertake additional activities related to their course of study

• guest at a farewell function to be held in Jakarta for Indonesian awardees or Port Moresby for Papua New Guinean awardees

• invitations to attend extra functions in Australia and opportunities to meet with influential Australians during their period of study.

2. The activities may consist of one, or a combination, of the following:

• A work attachment with an organisation in the awardee’s home country, Australia or, if applicable, a third country

• Research, fieldwork or conferences

• A post-doctoral placement

• Professional mentoring

• Other degree-related activities

3. The activities may be undertaken in Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, or a relevant third country. The activities can be undertaken either during the awardee’s period of studies or within six months of completing their studies.

Summary of the Allison Sudradjat Prize process

1. The awardee develops a proposal for activities to be undertaken as part of their Prize (template enclosed in these Guidelines).

2. The awardee forwards the proposal with supporting documentation (if any) to the AusAID Managing Contractor.

3. The AusAID Managing Contractor checks the proposal for completeness and compliance with the Allison Sudradjat Prize Guidelines.

4. The AusAID Managing Contractor forwards the awardee’s proposal to the relevant AusAID office in Indonesia or PNG for review and approval, or advice on refinements to be made by the awardee before approval can be given.

5. The AusAID Managing Contractor advises the awardee of the outcome following consideration of their proposal.

6. The AusAID Managing Contractor arranges direct payment for approved activities or reimburses awardee upon submission of receipts/statutory declaration.

Awardee’s responsibilities

1. Allison Sudradjat Prize recipients need to take the following steps to ensure they obtain the maximum benefit from this prestigious Prize:

i. Submit a proposal describing the additional activities which they intend to undertake to best use the available funds. The awardee should submit their proposal to the AusAID contractor responsible for managing the Prize at least six months prior to completion of their studies.

ii. The Proposal should be created using the template included in these Guidelines, including:

a. Proposed activity/activities and approximate dates

b. Relevance to the awardee’s studies and/or future career

c. Relevance to their home organisation or country

d. Indicative costs for the activities (a pro forma is included with the Proposal template – copy attached). Note that the Prize entitlement includes the management fee

e. Attach any supporting documentation.

iii. Forward the proposal to the AusAID Managing Contractor at least six months prior to completion of their studies:

Austraining International

Sarah Treadgold

Project Manager


Phone: +61 8 7120 8430

iv. The AusAID Managing Contractor will provide the proposal to the AusAID office in the relevant country for consideration. The AusAID office will either approve the proposal or provide advice on refinement that the awardee will need to make to the proposal before it can be approved. Once a proposal has been approved, the AusAID Managing Contractor will advise the awardee of the outcome.

2. If an awardee’s proposal requires amendment following initial approval, the awardee may apply to amend their proposal following the steps outlined above.

3. The AusAID Managing Contractor will assist the awardee with the logistics of participating in the activities under the Prize, as appropriate.

4. Awardees cannot request the use of the Allison Sudradjat Prize funds until such time that AusAID has approved the proposal (or subsequent amendment/s).

5. The awardee will not receive Allison Sudradjat Prize funds in advance. The AusAID Managing Contractor will pay the expenses on behalf of the awardee where possible. Awardees must submit receipts to claim reimbursement for expenses not paid


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