- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  20 de Junio de 2014  •  583 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  171 Visitas

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´´ Rum and coke please´´ there goes other drink that I have to make to a person behind the bar. That was my job for a while I was a barwomen. How can I sweet girl like me get herself in a bar, a girl that didn’t know anything about drinks, well that by a friend who worked there and that guy got me an interview and I got in.

Well I’m writing this so I could tell you my story behind the bars, and what I learned, I didn’t not only learn about drinks, I also learn other things.

My name is Ashley but my friends call me Ash. like before how can a sweet girl American girl could get in a bar, a girl that had no idea how to make a cocktail, well I did, and I like everyone likes the first few day or months but when you start seeing other things that when your life inside that bar get mixed up. What I learned was that , you should follow your insights, why? Because someone could you a good or bad advice but is you decision to take it or leave it . that’s one thing learn and the second one never, ever get involved with your boss. What can I say that happen to me , I cant say I didn’t enjoy it because that will be lie and I cant say I didn’t like it because I did, he was like sour drink that when you wake up in morning you want more, and more that’s what he was to me, I didn’t like him and I wasn’t in love with, he was my Mr. Grey but we didn’t fall in love. He was someone that made a women in bed, he was that guy, that guy that made me saw that star more than one, he taught me everything know, how to give blow job, how to move, what to do, he taught me how to have sex. Lets go back to begin of this story.

I was in class when I get phone call and asked to me to go to work and I said yes, I really don’t remember my first day that much all know is that I worked in the disco that, and I cant say I didn’t like it, I fell in love with the place, then came my second day and my third, and then my forth day, that day I met him, Jaime, I saw him and I didn’t like him at first he was this mean guy, I was scared of him, but some how he toke my heart without asking ,he wasn’t like my Mr. grey, he was like a drink so sweet that you don’t want it to end, that’s what he was me. Then that moment came, the words that I wanted to hear ´´ Ash I like you´´ but me been dumb I said thank you, that’s what I said, imagine how he felt when I told him, thank you, well that’s what happened to me, I didn’t know what to do, and then little by little I realize I wanted him. Me and him became really close, we will talk with our eyes, and I knew he liked me and he knew I liked him, months pass by and I finally got a kiss from him, a pop kiss but it was a kiss. I had him at least that what I thought


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