El Mio Cid
Enviado por ballack100995 • 6 de Septiembre de 2014 • 562 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 284 Visitas
El Cantar de Mio Cid (ca. 1200) is the representative work of the tradition of the epic poem (sung genre derived from the epic) and also the most complete manuscript that has been preserved from the medieval period. Missing the first page of the manuscript, so it is not the exact title of the work is known and sometimes appears as the Poema del Cid. It is of anonymous authorship, although some scholars believe it was written by Per Abbat, who signed a copy of the manuscript of 1207.
The story chronicles the battles, trials and triumphs during the reconquest of Cabellero Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar "El Cid" ("Cid" is Arabic word which means "lord"), a historical figure who died in 1099 begins with the exile and disgrace associated with it. After conquering Valencia and get the royal pardon, which earns great wealth and dominion over Valencia. His daughters marry the heirs of Carrion, who also happen to be cowardly and cruel lash when the Cid's daughters and left for dead in the woods, bringing more shame to Cid. In a real trial, infants lose their privileges and become publicly vilified, and daughters end up marrying the princes of Navarre and Aragon, the maximum possible social ascent. El Cid dies quietly in his home in Valencia with his honor avenged.
Style and Structure:
The play begins in medias res, with the banishment of the Cid, and consists of three songs. The verses are divided into two sections separated by caesura hemistiquios; no stanzas, but the verses are grouped in runs (series of poems with assonance same). The work shares many features with the epic but also differs from it in its most realistic character and their less elevated tone. It puts more emphasis on the importance of domestic and paternal aspects of the life of the hero, extolling their humanity. In addition, differences in most epics, no melodramatic final - the work closes with the quiet death of the Cid, in his palace and at peace with the world--.
God prevails in medieval times theocentrism and believed that God commands all the action of the universe. This work is no exception. El Cid attributes his success not only to their work but also to Christ. The respect that the Cid by King, can also be attributed to God, because it was believed that the king was the immediate vassal of God on earth. That is worthy of respect Cid constant, even if it banishes.
Banishment: was very serious, because the exile was excluded from society and the feudal structure, ie the world by God ordained.
The honor: at this time the honor was closely linked to wealth and social status. Cid's daughters serve as instruments to achieve a higher social status through marriage. The second marriage of the daughters is valued for its social position, not happiness or compatibility. The theme of honor also appears in the episode