La vida en los campos de concentración nazis
Enviado por Yamil0408 • 21 de Abril de 2013 • Informe • 754 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 543 Visitas
On Friday, August 4, 1944 at around half past ten a car stops in front of Prisengratch 263 of the soldiers to arrest fall family was hidden. There are many theories of how the Gestapo learned of the existence of the Franks, the most accepted is the one that says a Dutch gave them away for a few florins. (Anne Frank).
During his stay in that building, Anne wrote a diary in which recounted his last two years of life since she lived in Frankfurt, until one day before being arrested with her family by the Gestapo annex relating a description of the problems who lived there, their fears of living locked up, her relationship with Peter, and above all she wanted to marry him and become a writer.
In this essay I shall as was the life of the Jews in Europe and the Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
Below we present some arguments to bolster my thesis.
Concentration camps
Life in Nazi concentration camps was a real misery, women and children were directly sent to extermination camps where they take her life while men had to work and often were used as guinea pigs to test the effects diseases like gangrene aimless as not developing any vaccine or medicine. Some doctors like Dr. Sigmund Rasher also using them as human guinea pigs, did experiments like putting their victims to a cold water tank to observe the reactions of the patient, subjecting them to extreme temperatures, some were victims of castration, mutilation, injections oil or gasoline and the victims were no longer applied to them was poisonous injection that ended their lives (Bourke, 236) "I'm afraid to think that those who were so close to me are now at the mercy of the most ruthless executioners the world. And all because they are Jews. "(Frank, 32).
Gas chamber
The first gas chambers were used when the Nazi soldiers came up to the Jews to the back of a truck into believing they would be transferred to another concentration camp because the truck was ready for the engine carbon monoxide was injected directly into the case where the victims were traveling. When you hear screams stopped, the truck was headed to a forest to download the corpses in large pits dug previously. Time then fixed cameras with built crematoria in concentration camps where victims entered a room believing they were going to take a bath before going to work and sometimes gave them towels and soaps. This method is considered one of the fastest to exterminate Jews as a gas chamber could kill 5000 Jews initially every 24 hours, up to 24,000 victims a day by emanation from the ceiling first carbon dioxide, to later change it Zyklon B. Which was more efficient, in the words of Rudolph Hess. When killed the Jews, the Nazis only a death certificate sent to the families of the deceased arguing lung or heart disease. (Johnson).
Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg