- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The Appeal Of The Androgynous Man

Enviado por   •  26 de Junio de 2014  •  357 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  875 Visitas

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• Identify what you can about the background of the article “The Appeal of the Androgynous Man” from the statement about the author.

• Write what you expect based on the title.

• Skim the essay and then write down what you identify as the main points of the essay. Identify the essay’s thesis. Jot down at least two questions you have.

One of the main points of the essay is how the author discusses the superiority of the “Androgynous man” as opposed to the “all-man man”.

• Read “the appeal of the Androgynous man” a second time, continuing to write your own questions and notes on the margin.

• Create a table with two columns comparing the all-man and the androgynous man.

• Androgynous man • All-man

• Caring, sensitive, companionate • No taste in books, food, art, movies, theather, dance

• •

• •

• Identify three words that you might find relatively new and find their definitions from the context and a dictionary.

Uncouth – Lacking good manners, refinement, or grace

• Identify where and how the claims don’t match your experience.

“All-men men don’t know how to shop in a grocery store unless it is to buy a 6-pack and some pretzels”. This statement is not literally true.

• Indicate where the evidence does not support the claims. “One all-man man I knew was a handsome individual who gave the impression of being gentle, affectionate, and sensitive.”

• Indicate at least a few places where the ideas do not appear reasonable.

• Identify any evidence that seems to contradict the author’s claims. “All his primary and secondary sexual characteristics are in order and I would say he’s all-man, but that is just what he is not. He is more than all-man.” If the androgynous man have all the same characteristic of the all-man man why is he more than all the regular all-man. I don’t believe we have to have certain characteristics to qualify to be a all-man.

• Evaluate weather the ideas connect in a logical way.

• Identify at least two strategies that the author used that you would find useful.

• Identify at least two phrases that you found effective.

“It’s not exactly that the all-man’s man is an uncouth illiterate”

• Identify at least two ideas that could spark your own writing,


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