- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  17 de Febrero de 2017  •  Documentos de Investigación  •  457 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  176 Visitas

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days... today is one, expected by everyone, the day where we have the opportunity to share with all members of the school community of our school... in this school that takes place in a social space of construction... in that day by day it circulate and interact, teachers, students, managers, Secretaries, and parents... protagonists of this year painted emotion and adventure , by turning all to the rededor of the same. THE BEAUTY OF LEARNING. Always us found them acts of end of year, a little tired, quite stressed, reflecting between all... of them objectives that comply, them content that saw, them notes that managed our guys... what will make the year that comes. But more than all this reflection... we must ask ourselves: how we live this year in school? do guys enjoyed learning? do Popes joined the educational project? do teachers knew as accompany our students? The response it have facing our eyes... in the evolution demonstrated by our children, because has been wonderful check as it most of them, has responded positive mind to our demand of greater demand in them studies, raising our expectations and observing them achievements in its conduct. Still there is much that do... much by correct and learn... but in this mission are, to convert to Big Ben School, in an institution thriving, modern, active, organized... with genuine interest by grow in all them aspects... and need of the strength and energy of each one of its members. So let me share the text of writer Laura Esquivel when he says: we are all born with a box of matches within us... but we can not turn them alone... we need light and oxygen. In the case of our box, oxygen can come, the breath of the affections, of the word, of the company, good examples... let fired the detonator and thus at least turn on one of the matches. For a moment we will be dazzled by an intenza light and a great emotion... we will vibrate and be in tune.. .to walk with humanism toward our personal achievement and our beings that give meaning to our lives... your children, our students. To this them call to all them here present, above all to them adults, parents, teachers... to discover which are them detonators for to live and grow best to daily and work to discover them potentialities of this generation wonderful. My thanks in this year that ends, to all them members of the Honorable Commission directive, by be vigilant and respond in form effective, quick and organized to our requirements and to realize so all them projects. Thank all the staff that makes up the initial level, wonderful group that we live in a common cas


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