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Enviado por nabila1 • 30 de Julio de 2013 • 677 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 325 Visitas
Learning and teaching pronunciation
Nabila E. Llorente
• Listening is good for pronunciation and vice versa
We have already pointed out that and adequate grasp of pronunciation is required in listening comprehension as well as speaking. However many people with foreign accent in English, who do not use contraction, weak forms or native-like stress and rhythm, can themselves understood. The extensive exposure to spoken English is one of the best ways of developing adequate pronunciation in speaking.
• Oral models of language items should illustrate pronunciation
It also seems to be helpful if learners, especially beginners, are given oral models of language forms when focusing on them. Example: when working with beginners on It`s a/an+noun, the word-by-word model (It-is-a-map) will not help them understand and produce that structure in natural communication. Some teachers give word- by- word models like this because they are more concerned with grammatical structure than pronunciation. But it is possible to attend to both when focusing on language forms. You can help students notice the grammar by isolating the elements, example: If it rains, she will take an umbrella. If- it- rain-s, she- will take...
• Written models should not interfere with oral practice
Some teachers are in the habit of examining grammar through written models before doing listening and speaking work. There are arguments for and against; one is that many learners seem to like a visual and analytical approach to new language items. An argument against is that many learners also seem to use the written form as their main guide to pronunciation as well as grammar, and this can produce ‘spelling pronunciation’. However if you decide that early reading, writing and examination of written model you can still do useful work on pronunciation. For example: 1.Repeat the models or models naturally with contractions and weak forms as you write them on the board. 2. Write the version with contractions on the board under the version with full forms. 3. Get the students to repeat after you, chorally and individually as appropriate pronunciation if necessary.
• Pronunciation work can be integrated into routine teaching
Apart from working on pronunciation through listening and through oral model, many teachers do regular, specific pronunciation work. How much time a teacher spends on such work usually depends on a number of factors, particularly on the time and how capable the teacher feels in this area. However the best they can realistically do is 1.to maximize listening comprehension work and 2.integrate attention to pronunciation into oral works.
• Be prepared to deal with your own students` typical problems
The problems specific learners or groups of