Final Words
Enviado por montsefvl • 29 de Abril de 2015 • 846 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 178 Visitas
Final words
Since 1982, the state of Texas has put to death 515 convicted inmates. This translates to more than one person every month for thirty-one years. Just before the execution is completed, each prisoner is given the opportunity to share their final thoughts. The Texas Department of Corrections has recorded each executed prisoner’s final words. They, like their author, become facts archived by the institution that put them to death. After thirty-one years, their words will finally be heard.
Mexicans in the death row
1. Jesse de la Rosa
Last Statement
This offender declined to make a last statement.
2. Henry Martinez Porter
Last Statement
I want to thank Father Walsh for his spiritual help. I want to thank Bob Ray (Sanders) and Steve Blow for their friendship. What I want people to know is that they call me a cold-blooded killer when I shot a man that shot me first. The only thing that convicted me was that I am a Mexican and that he was a police officer. People hollered for my life, and they are to have my life tonight. The people never hollered for the life of the policeman that killed a thirteen-year-old boy who was handcuffed in the back seat of a police car.
3. Rudy Ramos
Last Statement
Goodbye to all my friends; be cool. Thank you for being my friends. Give my love to everybody.
4. Richard Andrade
Last Statement
This offender declined to make a last statement.
5. Ramon Pedro Hernandez
Last Statement
This offender declined to make a last statement.
6. Eliseo Hernandez Moreno
Last Statement
This offender declined to make a last statement.
7. Carlos de la Luna
Last Statement
I want to say I hold no grudges. I hate no one. I love my family. Tell everyone on death row to keep the faith and don’t give up.
8. Ignacio Cuevas
Last Statement
I’m going to a beautiful place. O.K., Warden, roll ‘em.
9. Joe Cordova
Last Statement
This offender declined to make a last statement.
10. Jesus Romero Jr.
Last Statement
When his attorney came into the witness room, he said, "Tell Mom I love her." The attorney said back to him, "I love you, too."
11. Carlos Santana
Last statement
This offender declined to make a last statement.
12. Ramon Montoya
Last statement
This offender declined to make a last statement
13. Leonel Herrera
Last Statement
I am innocent, innocent, innocent. Make no mistake about this; I owe society nothing. Continue the struggle for human rights, helping those who are innocent, especially Mr. Graham. I am an innocent man, and something very wrong is taking place tonight. May God