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Cervical spine implants

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GROUP M04-31A (THURSDAYS 7:30-10)

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Diego Ruperez Esteban

Date of submission: 14/11/2022

Professor: Dr inż. Anna Nikodem


  1. INTRODUCTION        1
  2. DEVELOPMENT        5
  1. HISTORY        5
  1. Components        7
  2. Materials        7
  3. characteristics        8
  4. Commercial product        8
  1. 3D IMPLANTS        10
  1. CONCLUSIONS        11
  2. SOURCES        12
  1. BIBLIOGRAPHY        12
  2. FIGURES        13


Cervical spine surgery represents the 20% of all surgeries that take place in the spine. (Rick C. Sasso, Md (spineuniverse) 2019) It is a surgical intervention that is done with the objective of treating neurological compression of the nerves or the spinal canal. This compression can be caused by many different reasons but the two main causes of it are pathologies of the discs and bone formation(osteophytes) problems.

Pathologies of the discs appear when the wear makes that the separation between cervical bones disappear and then a dolorous pressure is generated.

Problems with bone formation appears when some anomaly starts growing due to some illness and generates pressure into the nerves that go through the openings of the vertebrae.

These two problems mentioned here are the main cause of a series of illnesses that lead to a cervical spine surgery. The principal ones are going to be briefly explained here. (Rick C. Sasso, Md (spineuniverse) 2019)[pic 4]

  • Cervical disc hernia: It is produced when intervertebral discs suffer an important wear in the neck section, and this leads to compression of nerves close to the medulla. It is the main cause of cervical spine surgery.
  • Cervicoartrosis: With the ages the discs, the ligaments and articulations deteriorate. The discs lose their height, are less hydrated

and the cartilage of the articulation losses its properties leading to incorrect alienation of the spine.

  • Vertebral infection: There are three levels of infection, the disc one, the vertebrae one and infection of both. This illness takes place when a microorganism invades the zone and causes and infection.

Figure   1-   Hernia   de   disco

cervical        (2019).        spineuniverse. Accessed on 02nd November 2022 from: nol/discos-herniados/hernia-disco- cervical

  • Vertebral fracture: This kind of fractures are produced by a serious traumatism. When this happens, it is usually accompanied by a displacement of the vertebra (luxation). This illness is mainly produced in vehicle accidents.[pic 5]

As we have set, this are the main illnesses that lead to a cervical spine surgery, however, there can be also many other reasons as for example deteriorations due to the lifestyle of the patient (extreme sports, incorrect posture, sedentarism…) or having it since the patient was born.

Once we know what is this surgery and the causes that lead to it, we have to explain the different ways of approaching the vertebras and the different techniques that are applied for the surgery.

Figure 2 – Fractura de cuello (2010) Western new york urology associates. Accessed on 02nd November 2022        from: ontent.aspx?chunkiid=103568

To approach to the cervical vertebras there are two ways the anterior way and the posterior way. The anterior way is the most used one because it is less aggressive with the muscles of that area, and this makes the recuperation to be less painful for the patient. However, there are some cases in which the posterior way is the only solution so all surgeons must know both ways of approaching. (Medlineplus, 2016)

  • Anterior way: As we have already set, this is the most used way to approach to the vertebras and it is used for most of the illnesses previously mentioned. In this way, an incision is made in the anterolateral face of the neck in the middle approximately, then the muscles are split without needing to cut them and a separator is putted to maintain the oesophagus and trachea to the inner part and the carotid to the outer part. In this moment the surgeon is ready to procced with the surgery.[pic 6]

  • Posterior way: This is a more aggressive way but sometimes it is the only solution. It is used mainly in vertebral fractures or in hernias that are very lateralized. In this way an incision is made in the middle part of the neck, the cervical muscles are split and then the bone is exposed, and the surgery can go on.

[pic 7]

Figure 5- Comparison of the incision in both ways (2016). Medlineplus. Accessed on 4th November 2022 from: tations/100133_3.htm

As we have different ways to approach the affected area, we also

Figure 3- Anterior Way of approaching the vertebras (2016). Awaredoctor. Accessed on        4th        November        2022        from: quirurgico-de-la-columna-cervical/

[pic 8]

Figure 4- Posterior way of approaching the vertebras (2016). Awaredoctor. Accessed on        4th        November        2022        from: quirurgico-de-la-columna-cervical/


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