- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  13 de Abril de 2015  •  Informe  •  222 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  228 Visitas


Catacteristics: Although it belongs to the group of salamanders, an important feature of these salamanders is that them not presenting a metamorphosis same as most amphibians and reach sexual maturity without changing its youthful morphology.

Habitat: These animals are currently endemic to the canals of Xochimilco (the desiccation and pollution threatens)

Feeding: Small fish. In captivity they are fed with small pieces of fresh meat or fish, water flea of larvae of shrimp.

Reproduction: They breed between the months of January to March, the water temperature being a factor in their reproduction. For reproduction takes place is necessary courtship, the couple of salamanders on the muzzle to their sewers; then the male releases a spermatophore, which is collected in the gutter by the female and thus takes out fertilization. The female lays about 619 eggs on average, which require 14 days to complete development and hatch.

Poblation: 100 per square kilometer.

We need to do something because their presence is so important for the culture of the place and and is a unique specie in the world. Even to the authorities were working in projects to protect the ajolote copies that still remain have been reduced in the last months.

There are plans for the construction of shrines as there are few and thus increase the number of salamanders, so we are on time to save this specie.


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