- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Análisis de Nuevos Enfoques de la Administración

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Tarea 3 - Análisis de Nuevos Enfoques de la Administración

Presentado por

Johan Amid Contreras Coronel

CC 1092155311

Presentado a

Diana Milena Giraldo Correa

Pensamiento Administrativo

Grupo 19

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Administrativas, Contables, Económicas y de Negocios ECACEN

Administración de Empresas



En la dinámica y competitiva realidad empresarial, alcanzar y mantener una posición destacada se convierte en un desafío estratégico. La competitividad, un factor esencial para el éxito empresarial, se revela como un constructo complejo, influenciado por múltiples niveles y perspectivas. En este contexto, el texto "Benchmarking as a Foundation of the Future Economy" de Andreevich, B. A. (2020), sirve como fuente de exploración en profundidad sobre la intersección de la competitividad empresarial y el benchmarking.

Esta síntesis no solo busca desentrañar las complejidades del concepto de competitividad, sino también proporcionar una visión gráfica clara y concisa a través de una infografía que destaque las relaciones cruciales entre estos elementos. En la convergencia de la teoría y la representación visual, este trabajo se propone arrojar luz sobre la importancia de estrategias innovadoras y prácticas efectivas para fortalecer y optimizar la competitividad empresarial en el siempre cambiante escenario económico.


Essay on Business Competitiveness and Benchmarking

Business competitiveness stands out as a cornerstone in the management of economic activities in a dynamic market scenario. In the text "Benchmarking as a Foundation of the Future Economy" by Andreevich, B. A. (2020), various perspectives on this concept are explored, emphasizing its importance and the need to address it strategically. Firstly, it is underscored that competitiveness lacks a singular definition, as its application can vary from the level of an individual company to that of an entire country. Competition is described as a state of robust relationships between economic entities, and competitiveness emerges as the result of these relationships, with a focus on the significance of comparative statistical analysis.

The text also highlights the complexity of competitiveness levels, ranging from the company level to the national and industry levels. The connection between a company's competitiveness, that of the country, and the industry intertwines, adding an additional layer of challenge in determining what influences what. Benchmarking, presented in the text as a crucial tool, emphasizes a company's advantages compared to its competitors. This approach centers on cost reduction, product quality enhancement, and market share growth as means to improve competitiveness. Here, competitiveness is directly linked to a company's ability to design, produce, and sell products more appealing to consumers than those of its competitors.


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