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1 Search in journals, books and internet on the purpose, main lines, circumstances that gave rise to them and how they contribute to the functioning of NAFTA, of:

a. Alliance to the security and prosperity of North America: it’s a trilateral process, permanent, for greater integration in North America, to be assessed by the Representatives semiannually. Through this alliance, Mexico, United States and Canada share the following objectives:

Prosperity Agenda. Promoting economic growth, competitiveness and quality of life in North America focused on:

- Increase productivity;

- reduce trade costs and transaction costs; and

- promote greater responsibility to our environment; creating a more reliable supply of safe food, while facilitating trade in agricultural products; and protection of our population against disease.

Security Agenda. Develop a common approach to security to protect North America, highlighting the following actions:

- Prevent and respond to threats within the region of North America;

- Increase the efficiency of transit insurance low risk over our shared borders.

- Protect the region of North America from external threats

The Alliance of the fact that security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary.

Complements bilateral and trilateral efforts currently underway in Economic Stability and security matters, and revitalizes other aspects of cooperation in the region to improve the quality of life; such as environmental protection and public health, investment in our people across exchanges of academics and scientists.

Expected Benefits and Strategic Considerations for Mexico NAFTA

- For Mexico, this initiative will enable progress towards the convergence of the economies of North America, deepening the economic and commercial integration, security, and greater welfare for the population.

- Given that Mexico is closely linked with the United States and Canada, the SPP is a formula of integration according to the particular circumstances of the region, to help meet the challenges of the globalization.

- Considering that today gives the security issue is intrinsically related economic and trade flows, allowing the SPP avoid the new security measures implemented in the region become unnecessary obstacles trade, making this intense cooperation in region as an advantage. This coordination help reduce transaction costs and make the flow of goods and people between the three countries is much more fluid.

- All three countries have identified some of the specific results to be derived from the working groups, which together help drive greater economic growth, increase security and thereby the quality of life in the region of North America

b) Agreement on Labor Cooperation,

The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) was signed on September 14, 1993, by the Presidents of Mexico and the United States, and the Prime Minister of Canada, as one of the supplementary accords to the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It entered into force on January 1, 1994.

The NAALC was the first international agreement on labor to be linked to an international trade agreement. It provides a mechanism for member countries to ensure the effective enforcement of existing and future domestic labor standards and laws without interfering in the sovereign functioning of the different national labor systems, an approach that made it novel and unique. Likewise, the Commission for Labor Cooperation is the only international body since the founding of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 1919, to be devoted exclusively to labor rights and labor-related matters.

Along with its companion agreement on environmental cooperation, the NAALC adds a social dimension to NAFTA. Through the NAALC, the regional trading partners seek to improve working conditions and living standards, and to protect, enhance and enforce basic workers' rights. To accomplish these goals the NAALC establishes a set of Objectives, Obligations and Labor Principles that all Parties are committed to promote; it also creates mechanisms for cooperative activities and intergovernmental consultations, as well as for independent evaluations and dispute settlement related to the enforcement of each nation's labor laws.

Objectives of the NAALC

- To improve working conditions and living standards in each Party's territory.

- To promote, to the maximum extent possible, the labor principles set out in the Agreement.

- To encourage cooperation to promote innovation and rising levels of productivity and quality.

- To encourage publication and exchange of information, data development and coordination, and joint studies to enhance mutually beneficial understanding of the laws and institutions governing labor in each Party's territory.

- To pursue cooperative labor-related activities on the basis of mutual benefit.

- To promote compliance with, and effective enforcement by each Party of, its labor law.

- To foster transparency in the administration of labor law.

c. Commission for Environmental Cooperation ,

d. Development Bank of North America,

- The North American Development Bank (NADB) and its sister institution, the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), were created under the auspices of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to address environmental issues in the U.S.-Mexico border region. The two institutions initiated operations under the November 1993 Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Mexican States Concerning the Establishment of a Border Environment Cooperation Commission and a North American Development Bank (the “Charter”).

NADB was established in San Antonio, Texas, and began operations on November 10, 1994, with the initial capital subscriptions of the U.S. and Mexican governments.

In June 2000, the NADB


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