Digital Services
Enviado por Ricard0o21 • 26 de Febrero de 2014 • 1.678 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 260 Visitas
Digital Services, S.A. de C.V.
1. Name
The Company’s denomination is Digital Services, Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable”. This denomination would be followed of the words “Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable or by its abbreviations S.A. de C.V.
2. Mission
Consistently satisfaction of the changing needs of our customers.
3. Vision
Being the technological leader of our products and services at an international level surpassing the expectations of satisfaction of our customers and being recognized as a world-class company.
4. Nationality
The nationality of the society is Mexican. Foreign actual shareholders or future foreign shareholders of the society are bound to the Secretary of Foreign Relations to consider themselves as nationals in respect of the shares of the acquiring company or that they hold, as well as goods, rights, concessions, participations or interests that holds society and the rights and obligations arising from contracts that the company is a party, and not rely, therefore, the protection of their governments, under the penalty, otherwise, lose the benefit of the Mexican nation and property rights acquired.
5. Address
The Address of the company is Guillermo Valencia 470 Col. Anahuac, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México Postal Code 66450. Nevertheless it would be able to establish agencies or branches in any part of the Mexican Republic and in the foreigner and surrender to conventional domiciles in the contracts that it celebrates
6. Of the Capital Stock and the Shares
The capital stock is variable, with a fixed minimum of $50,000.00 (fifty thousand pesos 00/100 M.N.) and with an unlimited maximum. The representative shares of the minimal fixed capital will be Series "A", the representative ones of the variable part will be Series "B".
The minimal fixed capital totally signed and paid of the society is represented by 50,000 (fifty thousand) shares Series "A".
7. Stock Distribution
TOTAL 50,000 1’322,087
1. Corporate Purpose
The object of the society is the digitalization of documents, by means of a scanner of images which are deposited where the customer believes it’s more convenient.
The service is provided to both to moral persons and to natural persons, because it is possible to digitize a high volume of documentation, but establishing a limit for natural persons of 50 documents as minimum.
2. The Administration of the Society
The administration of the society will be entrusted to the board of directors chosen by the shareholders' general ordinary assembly. The board of directors will be integrated by the number of counselors that the same assembly determines. The members of the board of directors will last in his post one year or until his successors are elect by another shareholders' general ordinary assembly and have taken possession of his positions and will receive the remunerations that the own assembly determines.
3. Size
• More than 1,200 personnel
• Two shifts of operation
• More than 10 years of experience
• Aptitude to handle high volumes of information
• Safety controls in systems of information
• Restricted Access, with password of access
• Monitored Area of specialized destruction of documents
• Link across optical fiber between plants
• Sources of uninterrupted energy.
• Control of safety access in the plant
• Personnel for supervision the 24 hrs. 365 days
• External Back-up of the information
• Protection system against fire
4. Process of Digitalization
a) Process of receipt of Files:
The client delivers to Digital Services the corresponding files to be digitalized during the day.
The information that is being deliver by the customer is received and rectified to the process of the day, if everything is as expected, its is reported to the customer, if there is any lack or remaining it is also reported.
When everything is complete and perfect the process of preparation of the files begins.
b) Process of Preparation of Files:
Repetitive process for each file, up to end with the files that would be processed during the day.
It consists of removing the clamps, clasps, etc ... the sheets of the file in order to make them ready for the following process to which they would enter, that is the digitalization of files.
c) Process of Digitalization of Processes:
The files already prepared are ready to enter the process of digitalization that:
We will pass one by one the lots of files for the scanner, checking that the quality of the images and the size of every image, accomplish the required quality.
To digitize the documents we will use our so called application Digital Capture, this application relies on a series of parameters that allows us to realize validations that assure