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English For Business

Enviado por   •  1 de Mayo de 2015  •  533 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  250 Visitas

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English 1 for Business


abogado lawyer

actor/actriz actor/actress

aduanero customs officer

agricultor farmer

albañil builder

arquitecto architect

asesor consultant

astronauta astronaut

azafata air hostess

basurero dustman

bombero fireman

camarero/a waiter/waitress

camionero lorry driver

cantante singer

capataz foreman

carnicero butcher

cartero postman

científico scientist

cirujano surgeon

cocinero cook

conductor driver

contable accountant

criado servant

cura priest

dentista dentist

dependiente shop assistant

electricista electrician

empleado employee

empleado de banco bank clerk

enfermero nurse

escritor writer

estudiante student

farmacéutico chemist

fontanero plumber

granjero farmer

ingeniero engineer

jardinero gardener

joyero jeweller

juez judge

librero bookseller

marinero sailor

médico doctor

mecánico mechanic

minero miner

modelo model

monitor instructor

monje monk

monja nun

niñera nanny

obrero labourer

oficinista office worker

panadero baker

pastor shepherd

peluquero hairdresser

periodista journalist

pescador fisherman

piloto pilot

pintor painter

político politician

policía policeman

portero caretaker

profesor teacher

psicólogo psychologist

psiquiatra psychiatrist

recepcionista receptionist

relojero watchmaker

reportero reporter

sacerdote priest

sastre tailor

secretario secretary

soldado soldier

taquimeca shorthand typist

taxista taxi driver

técnico technician

torero bullfighter

traductor translator

vendedor salesman

veterinario vet

zapatero shoemaker

Best Business Jobs

Business jobs are more than cubicle farms, pressed khakis and TPS reports. Some occupations in this industry involve nothing of the sort. In truth, this is a customer-service sector where the jobs’ duties, work settings, training, salaries and skills are diverse.


Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts study our habits as consumers, then use those observations to counsel companies on packaging, branding and selling products. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an impressive 31.6 percent employment increase for this occupation between 2012 and 2022.


Marketing Manager

Sending the right message about a product can take that product from shelf-warmer


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