- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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The object of this law is to promote and protect the rights and consumer culture and ensure fairness certainty and legal security in the relation between supphers and consumer.

Have 136 articles and the most important are…

^ ARTICLE 7. - Any supplier is obliged to inform and respect the prices, rates, guarantees, quantities, qualities, actions, interests, charges, terms, periods, dates, arrangements, reservations and other conditions under which it had been offered, forced agreed with the consumer or the supply of goods or provision of service, and under no circumstance be denied such goods or services to anyone.

^ ARTICLE 12. - Notwithstanding the provisions of the tax law, the supplier is obliged to deliver to the consumer invoice, receipt or voucher, in stating the specifics of the sale, service, or operation performed.

^ ARTICLE 17. - In advertising it is sent to consumers must indicate the name, address, telephone number and, failing that, the email address of the supplier, the company that, in its case, send the name of the vendor advertising, and the Attorney.

^ ARTICLE 33. - The imported product information expressed its place of origin and, if necessary, places where they can be repaired, and the instructions for use and guarantees, in the terms established by this law.

^ ARTICLE 38. - The legends that restrict or limit the use of the good or service should become apparent in a clear, accurate and unambiguous

^ ARTICLE 100. - Claims may let off steam at the option of the claimant, in the place that originated the reason for the claim made, in the claimant's domicile in the supplier, or any other justified, such as the place where the consumer develops its or normal activity of your residence.


^ Referente al artículo 7, se debe de respetar lo que el proveedor nos esta ofreciendo, es decir no se debe de modificar el precio, cantidad o características del producto que nos ofrecen, por ejemplo sí nosotros vemos en un comercial que un refresco cuesta $10.00 de 700 ml, eso es lo que debe de costar, no más, no menos..

^ Hablando del artículo 38, todas las restricciones deben de ser claras para el consumidor, el proveedor no tiene por qué ocultarlas.

^ Para el artículo 33, si nosotros compramos artículos importados, deberán de venir con instrucciones, caducidad entre otras características, toda la información necesaria para poder hacer uso de dicho producto.

^ Del artículo 12, si nosotros hacemos una compra de un televisor, el proveedor tiene la obligación de entregarnos un ticket, o recibo y de ser necesario para el consumidor una factura, y este no tiene por qué negarse.


Is the instrument governing transactions measured in the Mexican Republic and sets the measurement parameters and the means to measure when these actions are put into play goods, and the integrity of the environment and people.

Have 127 articles and the most important are…

^ ARTICLE 1o. - This Act shall apply throughout the Republic and its provisions are of public order and social interest. Its implementation and monitoring the Federal Executive, through the offices of the federal public administration who have expertise in the areas covered in this order.

^ ARTICLE 40. - The official Mexican standards will aim to establish:

III. The features and / or specifications to be met by the services when they can pose a risk to the safety of persons or damage to human health, animal, plant or the general environment and work or in the case of the provision of services for generalized to the consumer.

^ ARTICLE 50. - The agencies may require manufacturers, importers, service providers, consumers and research centers, the data necessary for the preparation of draft Mexican Official Standards. They may also collect, of these for the same purposes, samples strictly necessary, which will be returned once made his study, unless it has been necessary for its destruction.

^ ARTICLE 54. - The Mexican regulations constitute a reference to determine the quality of the products and services concerned, particularly for the protection and guidance of consumers. These standards contain specifications no case less than those established in the Mexican Official Standards.

^ ARTICLE 115. - For the determination of sanctions should be considered:

I. The intentional or not the act or omission constituting the offense

II. The seriousness of the offense involves in relation to trade in goods or services, as well as the injury to consumers.


^ Hablando del artículo 1o. esta ley se hace con el fin de cuidar la integridad del medio ambiente y a su vez el de las personas, tomando en cuenta que es general dicha ley por lo tanto todos deben de aplicarla.

^ El artículo 40. Apartado ll Establece que siempre que nosotros compremos un producto se nos deben de decir los riesgos o daños que este puede generar, ejemplo de eso cuando nosotros compramos una pomada antiarrugas debe de decir los daños o cambios que nuestra piel puede experimentar durante el uso de esta.

^ Según el art. 115 si nosotros como consumidores queremos quejarnos deberemos de presentar los daños que hemos sufrido, para que pueda proceder dicha demanda.

^ El artículo 54 nos habla de la calidad de los productos, es decir solo esta ley podrá determinar cuáles son los productos de buena calidad y que le ofrecen seguridad al consumidor.


This law is to protect the process of competition and free, through the prevention and elimination of monopolies, monopolistic practices and other restrictions to the efficient functioning of markets for goods and services.

Have 39 articles and the most important are…

^ Article 7. For the imposition, under the terms of Article 28 of the Constitution, in pricing products and services necessary for the national economy or popular consumption, it will be as follows:

The Federal Consumer Protection, under the coordination of the Secretariat, will be responsible for the inspection, supervision and sanctions, for prices to be determined under this section, in accordance with that established in the Federal Law of Consumer Protection

^ Article 8. - Are prohibited monopolies and practices in terms of this law, diminish, impair or prevent competition and free competition in the production, processing, distribution


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