- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  1 de Febrero de 2015  •  556 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  139 Visitas

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It was a cloudy day, with some dark clouds in the sky. It’s seemed that it would rain. Marie and her young son jack of five years, went out to take a walk after the school. It was weekend and marie didn’t have to worry about the job. Next to the park that they always visited, there was a park that was always was dirty, it didn’t have any plant and it had a dark atmosphere that everyone felt scared to be there. But jack, as a child, wasn’t afraid and without his mom noticed it, he went to the abandoned park. When marie just realized it. She went to this park to take jack back She found him sitting in a swing while this was rocking slowly

Why did you came here? Did not we always go to the park next door that is much nicer? There are many children with you can play. I don’t like that you are alone here- Marie said

I’m not alone mom. The next day i knew a boy in the park that we always visited. Nobody wanted to play with him but I did. He has become in my bbf since.

So let’s go to the other park because probably today he stay here. Its weekend and all moms take their sons today for play before dark.

Mom he told me that he going to come today to this place for play together. He told me that he wants to play with me because I’m the only that play with him and he feel alone.

Son, let’s go to the other park. Probably he forgot what he told to you and he is waiting you there

No mom, he is in my side. Who did you think is rocking the swing?

Babe you are imagining things. Let’s go now. Said Marie altered

No mommy I like to play with him

Let’s go. Mary didn’t have patience anymore and she grabbed the hand of her son and took him to her car.

But before they was in the car a light pole fell on Marie and her son.

Marie woke up next day in the hospital and they told her that she would recover completely in a week. Unfortunately her son was dead. When she recovered she began to cry uncontrollably. She decided to visit favorite places of her son. The last place that she visited was the abandoned park. She sat on a stone looking sadly the last place where she sew her son play.

Suddenly she saw the swing began to sway. Oh no, this is not happening, 'said Marie between the shock and tears. Then she came to the swing and saw a note on earth. Then she came closer and saw the horrible note:

"! Mom! I love you! Do not let him take me! I want to go with you! "

Then Marie became hysterical and started screaming in pain because she could not do anything.

Then the note wrote by his son was erased and instead saw another note:

"If you had not wanted to take my friend I would not have dropped that post. Now nobody can separate me from Jack. "

Marie could not do anything. She felt so helpless that she ran to the road without a care ... and a van overwhelm her.


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