Presupuesto total aprobado durante todo el rango de periodos de la entidad
Enviado por Gabriela Magar • 14 de Febrero de 2017 • Síntesis • 2.198 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 122 Visitas
Financial Summary Help Content
Total Budget Presupuesto Total | Total approved budget over the entity's entire range of periods. Presupuesto total aprobado durante todo el rango de periodos de la entidad |
Total Actual Cost Costo Total Actual | Total actual costs over the entity's entire range of periods. Representa los costos totales actuales respecto de todos los periodos de la entidad |
Total Actual Benefit Beneficio Total Actual | Total actual benefits over the entity's entire range of periods. Representa las ganancias actuales respecto de todos los periodos de la entidad |
Projected Cost Costo Projectado | The projected cost is calculated by adding up the accumulated actuals incurred for the past fiscal months and the forecast cost for the remaining fiscal months (including the current fiscal month). El costo projectado se calcula sumando los "commodities" que figuraron en los meses fiscales pasados y la predicción del costo respecto de los meses fiscales restantes (incluyendo el mes fiscal en curso) |
Nominal Return Beneficio Nominal | Nominal Return represents the total nominal return over the entity's entire range of periods. |
Net present value (NPV) Valor Neto Actual | Net present value (NPV) is total nominal return, discounted to its current value, based on a specified discount rate and the time allowed for the nominal return to be realized. PPM Center computes and reports total NPV, which is the sum of these values for all months—previous, current, and future—using each month's particular Nominal Return. NPV for past and current months is meaningful for projects that are underway. Only future months are discounted. Previous and current months use their Nominal Return values in calculating the sum. La "I" representa la tarifa de descuento anual. Por ejemplo, si de la Esfera de la Tasa de Descuento (que implicitamente esta impedida) se especifica que 6 representa a un 6% de tasa annual, la fórmula utiliza 0.06 para el valor de "i", después divides el resultado entre 12 para reflejar los 12 meses del año. |
Earned Value Help Content
Planned Value(PV) Valor Planeado | Planned Value can be calculated in one of two ways, depending on how the PV_USE_ACTIVE_BASELINE_DATES server.conf parameter is set. If necessary, contact your PPM Center system administrator to verify this setting. By default, the PV_USE_ACTIVE_BASELINE_DATES parameter is set to false. Therefore, by default, Planned Value is calculated by the portion of the Baseline Cost planned to be spent between the project's start date and the current date. Implícitamente, el parámetro del servidor PV_USE_ACTIVE_BASELINE_DATES se encuentra establecido en falso. Consecuentemente, el Valor Planeado se calcula por la porción del Costo Base planeado para gastarse entre la fecha de arranque del proyecto y la fecha actual. If the PV_USE_ACTIVE_BASELINE_DATES parameter is set to true, Planned Value is calculated using a project's active baseline dates instead of its scheduled dates. |
Earned Value(EV) Valor Agregado | Earned Value can be calculated one of two ways, depending on how the EV_ALLOW_PRORATING server.conf parameter is set. If necessary, contact your PPM Center system administrator to verify this setting. By default, the EV_ALLOW_PRORATING server.conf parameter is set to true. Therefore, by default, Earned Value is calculated by the portion of the Baseline Cost for the entire project that has theoretically been spent by the current date, measured as a function of the amount of work performed thus far. Por "de fault" los parámetros del servidor EV_ALLOW_PRORATING server.conf están establecidos para ser ciertos. Por lo tanto, por "de fault", el Valor Agregado se calcula por la porción de costo previsto para la totalidad del proyecto que teóricamente se gastó hasta la fecha actual, medido en función a la cantidad de trabajo realizado hasta ahora. If the EV_ALLOW_PRORATING server.conf parameter is set to false, Earned Value is only acknowledged when a task or project is 100% complete. That is, if the task or project is less than 100% complete, the EV calculation is 0. When the task or project is 100% complete, the EV calculation is equal to the Baseline Cost of the task or project. |
Cost Performance Index (CPI) Índice de Desempeño de los Costos | Cost efficiency ratio of Earned Value to Actual Cost. CPI is used to calculate Projected Actual Cost for a project and predict the size of possible cost overrun. |
Schedule Performance Index (SPI) Índice de Rendimiento del Programa | Schedule efficiency ratio of Earned Value to Planned Value. SPI describes what portion of the work plan or planned schedule has been accomplished in terms of its cost. |
Schedule Variance Variación del Programa | Difference between the earned value and the planned value of the project or task. Planned value compared with earned value measures the dollar volume of work planned against the equivalent dollar volume of work accomplished. Any difference is called a schedule variance. |
Cost Variance Variación de Costos | Difference between the earned value and the actual cost for the project or task. Earned value compared with the actual cost incurred for the work performed provides an objective measure of planned and actual cost. Any difference is called a cost variance. |
Budget At Completion (BAC Presupuesto en competencia | Total anticipated and budgeted spending for the project based on the project estimates and assumptions. In PPM Center, The total planned cost of an active baseline is taken as the BAC for the project. Presupuesto anticipado total de gastos para el proyecto basado en estimados y conjeturas. En el Centro PPM, el total del costo planeado de una predicción activa se entiende como el Costo Previsto del proyecto. |
Estimation At Completion (EAC) Estimaciones en Competencia | The estimated cost of the project at the end of the project. |
To Complete Performance Index (TCPI) Para Completar el Índice de rendimiento | To Complete Performance Index is an index showing the efficiency at which the resources on the project should be utilized for the remainder of the project. This can be calculated using the following formula: |