Relaciones Internacionales de Comercio Exterior.
Enviado por gissreqena • 10 de Febrero de 2016 • Trabajo • 526 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 264 Visitas
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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública
Relaciones Internacionales de Comercio Exterior.
Administracion de operaciones
Evidencia 2.
Resumen Capitulo 2 en Inglés
Brayan Jair Ibarra Rodriguez. Profesora: Susana Alejandra Guerrero Campos
Matricula: 1553070
Aula :31
Turno: nocturno
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon a 4 de febrero de 2016
Global scope of the operations and of the chains of supply
The global corporation emerged with the following characteristics the facilities and the plants are located on a world base and not in country for country; the products and the services can be exchanged between the nations; the components, the parts and the services are supplied on a global base; one finds the best source of supply of the whole world, indistinctly of his national origin.
Strategy of the chain of supply
At present, some companies already do not compete between yes; instead of it, the competition is between entire chains of supply. The strategy of the chain of supply must take as a purpose the achievement of a competitive, sustainable advantage for the totality of the chain of supply. To identify the chain of supply adapted, the companies must classify first your products under two categories imitative and innovative. The imitative products are like the satisfactory, have a predictable demand and low margins.
Model of strategy of the operations
Now we will generalize the example of the strategy of McDonalds’s operations, since that of operations is a functional strategy, it must guide by the business one and the corporate one, four elements: the mission, the competitive advantage, the aims and the strategic decisions, they are the central part of the strategy of operations. The corporate strategy defines the business that prosecutes the company; for example Walt Disney Productions is considered inside the business of making the people happy. The Disney Corporation not only includes park thematic, if not the production of cartoons, production, etc.
The business strategy stems from the corporate one and defines since what every business will to compete especially. Michael Porter (1980) describes three types of generic business strategies, differentiation, low costs and approach. The points of comparison can indicate that the operations are behind or ahead of the competence. The strategic decisions must indicate the way in which the aims of the operations should achieve.
Emphasis on the aims of the operations
To compete by means of the quality for example: we would work with select clients to define his specific needs. Also be like to be sure that the process that we have is capable of satisfying the needs of these clients and that is under control. To chase an aim of low costs instead of the quality, actually (indeed), the aim (lens) of low costs is backward with the aim of the quality in the form in which we have defined in the quality: the satisfaction of a particular set of clients.