- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The schedule is subject to change due to various circumstances..

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Quarter/Year:  Fall  2015                                                                             Instructor: Andrei Drobot MBA


Credit Hours: 3

Class time: Thursday, 18:20 – 20:45

Prerequisites: Principles of Management

The schedule is subject to change due to various circumstances.

Course Description

The course is a study of international management focusing on the role of executive, middle, and front-line management in directing and improving organizational performance in international business. Major topics include strategic, operational, behavioral, cultural, socio-ethical issues, and functional aspects of management in international settings. Concepts covered include the management of strategic planning, operations, communications (external/internal), international management of risk, negotiations, and socio-ethical issues facing modern institutions. Students will be exposed to the tools and methodology of management used in the international environment –techniques that will be further developed in other management courses and consequent employment.

Course Objectives

  1. Recognize different forms of business approaches, tactics and strategies and see how they are applied to market opportunities and economic conditions
  2. Describe the formation of global business and define the growth factors
  3. Understand socio-cultural and ethical issues and various effects of running business in international environment
  4. Recognize key technological developments and impact on international business
  5. Examine examples of external and internal communication in organizations
  6. Define motivation, leadership, and explore cultural and organizational features
  7. Describe leadership and management style across cultures
  8. Understand management practices which allow companies to successfully operate in the current challenging business environment; overview of the “competitiveness” concept as a focal point of the business world

Student Responsibility


Time Commitment

The study of course is cumulative (i.e., an understanding of earlier material is necessary to grasp concepts covered later). Past experience has shown a high correlation between procrastination and low grades. Furthermore, procrastination will severely limit interaction with other students. Students must be committed to completing tasks and required reading on time.

This course will require 3 or more hours per week outside of the classroom (the actual amount is dependent on each student’s background) and special time allocated for preparation for Mid-term and Final exams. This requirement may influence the time allotted to other classes. A student with a "heavy" schedule (school combined with work and family) should be aware of the dedication that this course requires. These factors cannot be used for special consideration on assignment due dates in the class; therefore, the students must evaluate this requirement before proceeding with the course.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is critical; participation of all students in the classroom activities is essential to this learning format. Students should be aware that attendance does not guarantee a passing grade in the class. Students missing more than TWO classes in courses that meet once per week will receive a failing grade. No exceptions! No additional work or make-up will be granted. The student may file a drop form within the appropriate time frame through the office of the Registrar to avoid a failing grade.

Note: The failing grade issued will be an F. Students may be required to retake courses to complete program requirements.

Electronic Devices

As a courtesy to your fellow classmates and instructor, please turn off your cell phones, beeper, or anything else that might cause a disturbance during class.

Grading Policy

The course is based on mastery of course objectives and understanding and memorizing of concepts, techniques and ideas. A student's grade for this course will be calculated based on:

  1. Personal understanding of the subject (idea, technique, method, concept, etc)
  2. Assigned tasks and reports, quality of material presented and depth of understanding
  3. Participation in class’ discussions (answering instructors’ question, discussing with classmates, giving ideas, sharing own experience, etc)
  4. Exams (Mid and Final)

Students should take care in preparation of assignments; strive to the maximum quality of the work. Spell check is highly recommended. Visual and format check of the homework and exams is recommended.

Reading assignments
International Management by Hodgetts. Copies are available in the library.

Additional selected readings from texts and articles available through the Internet will be assigned as well as handouts will be prepared for each class by the Instructor.

Assignments, Mid Term and Final Exams

Students will be asked to fulfill Assignments according to the Schedule, a Mid Term and a Final Exam. Mid Term and Final Exam will mix multiple choice questions, terms definitions with short essays on concepts and techniques covered in classes, textbook and homework cases. Students are recommended to use Electronic Calculators. NO MOBILES and other Electronic Devices are allowed to use as a calculator during exams!

Assignments and Exams Details

Assignments: after it is received on a particular class the assignment should be turned in printed (hard copy) before or according to the deadline set in the Schedule; if it is given any time after – No credit. If you send your assignment via email – it will not be checked. Please, respect Instructor’s time. Your Instructor has a full time job in investments field which is very time demanding. Assignments are to be turned according to the schedule.


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