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Trabajo De Mango para negocio global en China

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International Business Plan

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Course: Global Marketing

Section: S-004

Professor: Marco Rios-Pita


  • Cristhian Dueñas
  • Joaquín Galdos
  • Diana Maizondo




1.1. Business Idea        3

1.2. Target market. Economic and social support. Statistical data.        4


2. a. Macro-Environment (according to Kotler)        5

i.        Cultural – Social environment        5

ii.        Political–legal-environment Trade agreements        6

iii.        Economic environment        6

iv.        Technological environment        7

v.        Geographic – Natural environment        7

2. b. Micro environment        7

i.        Competitors        7

ii.        Suppliers        7

iii.        Clients        8

iv.        Intermediaries        8

2. c. Porter’s Five Forces        9

i.        Buyer power        9

ii.        Industry rivalry        9

iii.        Threat of new entry        9

iv.        Supplier power        9

v.        Threat of substitution        9

2. d. Company ́s SWOT (Strategy SO, WT, SW, WT)        9

2. e. SWOT of two main competitors        10

i.        Direct        10

ii.        Indirect        11

3. STRATEGIC PLAN        11

3.1        Mission Statement        11

3.2        Visión        11

3.3        Company objectives        11

3.4        Competitive and operative strategies        12

4. MARKETING PLAN        12

4. a. Product’s Analysis in the targeted market        12

4. b. Market profile        13

4. c. Customer´s profile        14

i. Segmentation        14

4. d. Minimum requirement and/or standards for products in destination markets.        14

i.        Labeling requirements        14

ii.        Storage requirements        14

4. e. Tariff barriers / non-tariff (WTO)        15

i. International Trade Agreements        15

4. f. Commercial distribution strategies        16

i. Intermediation levels        16

ii. Transportation        16

4. g. Pricing Strategies        17

i. Factors at play        17

4. h. Promotional Strategies        17

4. i. Marketing mix Strategy        19

i. Adaptation factors        19

ii. Legal aspects        19


5. a. Cost´s list        20

i. Materials        20

ii. Raw materials        21

iii.        Transport        21

5. b. Insurance        21

5. c. Operational Business Squeme        21

6. FINANCIAL PLAN        22

6. a. Payment method        22

6. b. Budget        22

6. c. Financial Statement (Year)        23

6. d. Projected cash flow (One Year), show profit or losses        23

REFERENCES        23


1.1. Business Idea

Our business Idea: The idea is to sell a natural, delicious and healthy snack. This snack will be made of mango, ideal for people looking to lose weight and get a healthy alternative to eat due to its low fat and sugar content. The manufacturing process is very simple and economical, which leaves a large profit margin. According with the current trend of healthy eating, this product could be widely accepted by the young audiences.

Our competitive advantage: we want to sell a cheap product with high added value. Other natural and healthy products are sold at high prices while our goal is to sell low prices and accessible to all. On the other hand, although this product is already on sale in the market, we pretend to be ones who popularize them due to an aggressive channel unlike other similar products in the markets which believe that these types of products only go to a specific market niche. According with a datum studio, much of the people in Lima relate healthy life with healthy eating and relate healthy eating with high costs.

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1.2. Target market. Economic and social support. Statistical data.

The target segment of this product will be people of socioeconomic levels A, B and C. Dude to its durability and easy transport there is no geographical segment, the reason why we plan to use internet channels to offer our product but the main focus is in United States. We are looking for a group of people interested in a healthy lifestyle.

Demand: according with the United States Department of Agriculture and Economic Research Service the dehydrated mango is a product that is very popular in the United States. The popularity of this product has been growing gradually since 2016.


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