My worldview
Enviado por Paula Viteri • 3 de Febrero de 2016 • Síntesis • 514 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 137 Visitas
My worldview
I’m a catholic person so everything that I believe has to be what the bible says. But I have some doubts about why exist some things that God doesn’t want to us. I believe in the good and evil, I think that everything that you do bad, here in the earth you paid for that. I don’t believe that after dead you go to hell, the hell for the bad people is here.
My worldview for the seven elements studied in class are mixed with what God says and what de science and the man say.
Epistemology: in my opinion all you know have to be with the experience. Example: when I start working with my dad in the bananas farm, the things I know from the university don’t help me at all, everything I know form the business is because the experience that my dad have and a curious fact is that my father he didn’t even finish the high school and right known he manage 700 hectares of bananas.
Metaphysics: all my acts have to be from what God says is god or bad and from that the consequences that happens to me. In other hand I believe that we are not alone and exists many factors that why things happens. Example: law of attraction, you believe so much in that things that happens no matter if it is good or bad, for me is the strong of your thoughts and energy.
Cosmology: God created the universe from nothing. Everything we do he knows since we are inside our mother. He has the perfect plan for us.
Teleology: first is a godsend to has to be her, living. God choose to us to be here just with one purpose, to be happy and tell to the next generations the love that he and his son Jesus had for all of us.
Theology: I believe in God and everything that I do is thinking in him. Praying is my way to communicate to him. He is my first love and he knows what I need, what is not good for me and in many occasions I could feel his presence in my heart and with acts he manifested his love to me.
Anthropology: as I mentioned above I trust in God and we have to be thankful with him. How we are thankful with him? Doing good things, helping and loving the others in so many ways. All we have in earth is a bless that God give us and we have to think before we do the things, stop a minute and ask to yourself is you to some thing what will be the consequence of that. If it is good or bad following the God’s word.
Axiology: I live to be thankful with God, to be with him at the end of my life. Once I do the good I have a peaceful life where I complement being happy with my family, the neighbor and God. My life is summed up in being right with God and does the good things that he taught to me.