Awaken The Dangerous Dreamer
Enviado por okhernan • 1 de Mayo de 2014 • 780 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 218 Visitas
9/2/2011 - James McPherson (Maryland, Church of Christ)
After hurricane Irene and you see everything that has been knocked down, and you see the things that occur during the hurricane and therefore see that the only things that are left is your family and friends. You find out that these are the true valuable things in life.
"When you loose your dream...Is because you have lost the sense of your motivation."
"Dream deferred" by Langston Hughes - says your dreams and motivations change through the years. When you loose your dreams ... You loose your motivations. Dreams that get deferred - lack our motivation.
*PROVERBS 13:12*
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick; But when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.
It is funny how we look at our past and at times are ashamed and don't treasure the things we have overcome. It is these things of the past that brings us to him. - that It is HE the Faithful God.
* JOHN 21: 1-22 *
In this time we can see that God ask Peter if he truly loves him. But we learn that feeling (emotions) and actually knowing are two different things. It took up to three times for God to ask and make Peter uncomfortable so that he knew and remember the calling that God has for him ... God, repeated in this verse the same message that He repeated to Peter three years ago - which was a simple as: FOLLOW ME.
In the book of Revelations it says that the church will come to a point were it will be lukewarm ... That is the same message for today. Are you going to dare to dream again and not allow the world and it's desires to be the purpose in life?
That is the cry for today... Because I know the lord did not die to live the life we live... But he died to live the life that he took upon his shoulders. Full of his purpose. It is as simple as to follow him.
2) We must dream and ACT with purpose
- Luke 13: 31-33. Jesus was a man of purpose and act upon purpose and as we follow' we should follow upon the purpose of the Lord.
- Only three percent of the population keep their goals written and accomplish beyond their belief. Unlike those who never write their goals and never remind themselves of their purpose.
S- Specific M- Measurable. A- Attainable. R- Relevant. T- Time-bound
- A goal is a dream with only time attached to it.
3) Shine (You are the LIGHT & SALT of the world)
- Ask yourself. How can it be salty if we have lost the root of were we came from.Therefore, if you have forgotten THAT TRUTH. You need to go back and know the truth that Jesus has come to pass in you. because as the word of God says: You are light that even in