Research Project Superstition
Enviado por amsametal • 25 de Agosto de 2014 • 2.613 Palabras (11 Páginas) • 566 Visitas
Research Project
I. Definition and History
Superstition is the terror of what is unknown and mysterious. It is the belief that certain events bring good or bad luck, which cannot be explained by reason or science. In short, superstition means blind belief. Superstition is a worldwide phenomenon. People in every country believe in one or the other superstition.
Illiterate and weak-minded people all over the world often are a prey to superstitions. They rule their lives and they base their actions on the various superstitious beliefs. Superstitious people can be called backward. They tend to interpret every phenomenon irrationally. They assess a happening illogically and even guide their actions based on these beliefs.
Superstition originates in primitive animism that may fairly be described as false religion. While all great world religions have an element of superstition about them, particularly in their early beginnings, their main teachings are based on the personal leadership of their founders and in every case tend to set the soul and mind of man free from fear and prejudice. Some common superstitions are that thirteen is an unlucky number, if a black cat crosses one's path, some misfortune will befall the person whose path was crossed; if one sneezes before beginning a new job, it shall not be completed without any problem, etc. Once these events occur, it becomes difficult for the superstitious person to continue with his work.
Superstitions and 'luck' are closely associated. When a person watches two sparrows, it is believed that he will have abundant joy. The housing of dogs, spilling of milk or salt, walking under a ladder, falling of a picture or mirror is associated with ill luck. There are many superstitions. These are ridiculous to a person who has a scientific outlook to life. Men with such a bent of mind do not believe in fiction. They require proof and their view of events is always objective. They are not the victims of ignorance.
Many of you today still make a wish on your birthday candle! Did you know that that tradition is actually a superstition? Just like picking a penny heads up for good luck and not walking under a latter in fear of getting bad luck. You ever wonder why the lady behind you just threw salt on you or why at baby showers they spin a needle of the belly of the mother to be to determine the baby's sex. You are not the only one.
II. Superstition in Religion
A. Most common religious superstition is saying; God Bless you, when someone sneezes.
1. The custom of saying; God bless you; to someone suffering from a cold and given to the occasional sneeze goes back to an old belief.
2. The essence of this superstition is centered in the belief that a demon lay within the sick person and causes the illness. The soul of the sick person, it was believed, was somehow possessed and needed to be exorcised. The only way to get rid of the demon was by sneezing but this also had inherent dangers. A person who sneezed was thought to be close to death because sneezing could also expel the soul from the body. Therefore, whenever someone sneezes, the name of God is evoked as a prayer and blessing that the demon and not the soul has been expelled.
B. Superstitions about salt date back to biblical times when salt was a highly prized commodity. It was expensive, crucial in preserving food, and was often used in lieu of currency. So spilling salt was considered an almost sacrilegious offence, and left one perilously exposed to the devil's machinations.
1. The salt is intended to either blind the devil so he cannot witness your error, or keep him from sneaking up on you while you are cleaning up your mess.
2. It is important to note that the superstition calls for the offender to throw salt over the left shoulder. Many ancient traditions place the devil to the left of the straight and narrow path. The classic image of a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other often shows the devil sitting on the left side.
C. And lastly how do you feel about Friday the 13th. Do you believe it is a day of bad luck?
1. It is said that some religious believes believe that Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden on a Friday, Noah's flood started on a Friday, and Christ was crucified on a Friday. Also noted that twelve witches plus one devil are present at Satanic ceremonies so Friday and 13 make a deadly combination.
Now education and science have largely enlightened man. They have unraveled many mysteries and removed a number of superstitions. Even in other countries of the world, superstitions are believed in.
The world today is governed by science. Science has made life easy and man has advanced a lot. Superstitions have no applications in today's life. Therefore, we should not follow the superstitions that were passed on to us by our ancestors. We should follow only the ones that have scientific and logical basis. A person believing in superstitions is always haunted by unknown fears and anxieties. He loses self-confidence. Education is one factor that can wipe out superstitions to some extent. A scientific outlook and temper should be cultivated to do away with superstitions.
III. Superstition in Puerto Rico
In Puerto Rico, as well as many other Hispanic countries, many superstitions and saying are passed on through generations. Almost every single one of these superstitions have no merit to them but people still believe them and follow them, Here is a list of some common ones and some mentioned in the book.
When a baby has the hiccups take a piece of thread from your clothes or the babies', moisten it with saliva and place the thread on the baby’s forehead. This will stop the hiccups.
On New Year’s Eve, throw a bucket of water out the door to ward off bad luck.
Place a penny on your forehead to stop a nosebleed.
Do not stand behind a baby’s head or you will cause it to become cross-eyed.
Leave a glass of water by the window when someone dies just in case they get thirsty.
Never put your purse on the floor or you will never become rich.
Do not let anyone sweep your feet or you’ll never marry.
If a baby dies with its eyes opened, someone will have to close them or its soul will stay trapped in its body.
Give a pregnant woman what she craves or you’ll get a sty in your eye.
Do not sit on a cold surface or you won’t be able to have children.
Left-handed people go to hell.