Critical Analysis Of A Wastewater Lift Station System Design
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Critical Analysis of a Wastewater Lift Station System Design
COIT21003: Systems Theory
Term 2, 2013
Written by:
Mario Andrés Moreno Villada
Student Id: S0233091
TEACHER: Meena Jha
SUBMITTED: 30th Aug 2013
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................1
Introduction ...............................................................................................................2
Conceptual system design .................................................................................... 3
Preliminary Design ................................................................................................. 4
Detail design and development……………………………………………………….. 5
System test, evaluation, and validation………………………………………………12
References ............................................................................................................. 13
Executive Summary
The construction of a wastewater lift station is a multidisciplinary engineering system used i to pump wastewater to an optimal level in which can continue its track by gravity. This system is ideal for flat or low sloped areas where the gravitational component is not sufficient to ensure the disposal of waste water. The system presentation was divided in four stages which namely, Conceptual system design, Preliminary system design, detail design and development and System test, evaluation and validation. In the first stage, conceptual design a basic design of the project is presented, in which the scope and limitations are defined along with the location and the impact it might have on the public and its costs and benefits. In the second stage, Preliminary Design it is presented a preliminary report that should include the technical specifications and production costs enclosing exact boundaries of the land and the areas that may be affected positively and negatively by the Project along with a cost-benefit study and a more detailed a proposal for simulation and feasibility study which includes the target population. In the third stage, Detail Design All the detailed technical studies including plans, budget, personnel, materials, equipment, schedule, licenses and permits along with the studies of social, environmental and economic impacts. Finally in the fourth phase of the project, System test, evaluation and validation the project is evaluated in order to correct possible faults. Considering the large size of this particular project a detailed evaluation should be done in a simulated “prototype” using specialized software. In addition the construction equipment and materials used in the project must be tested and a detailed monitoring of all the constructive process should be applied in order to correct any fail along during the construction.
As a civil engineer I want to focus this report on a product or project of public infrastructure as it is a wastewater lift station. The project will be framed within the parameters of an engineering system and will be described according to the theories and methods covered in class. The main objective of this report is to present a critical analysis of the design of a system of wastewater lift station. The report will be divided into four main topics, namely Conceptual system design, Preliminary system design, Detail design and development and System test, evaluation and validation. Also a comparison between the different options to solve the main problem will be given and at the end of the report some recommendations to improve the system will be presented.
The Wastewater Lift Stations are technologically based and interdisciplinary projects developed in order to improve existing wastewater systems or included in the creation of a wastewater system from scratch which according to Benjamin S. Blanchard, and Wolter J. Fabrycky (2010) meets the requirements for being and engineered system. The Wastewater Lift Stations are required to lift and / or transport wastewater through the network to the disposal area when gravity flow is no longer possible. On flat, manifolds which carry Wastewater to the Treatment Station can be so deep so that it would become practically impossible to disposal only by gravity.
Sewer pipes, to function as free lines, need to have some slope to allow runoff by gravity and on flat terrain this situation can’t occur and forces them to go deeper along the course, in their development, increasingly more profound. The Wastewater Lift Stations emerge as mandatory facilities in Sewerage Systems for communities or areas with little slope surface.
Waste waters are pumped for the following purposes: to be taken to distant places, to get a higher elevation and enable its launch in "receiving bodies" of water or to restart a new section gravity draining. (Black & Veatch, 2007)
Diagram 1. Design Efficient Pumping Stations, taken from
Conceptual system design:
The Conceptual Design Report (CDR) should be submitted to the water services department or the competent institution according to the region where the project is going to be developed for an evaluation and the CDR shall be include the following points. 1,service area, 2, perimeter and the authorised use for that specific land, 3, demographic data including population growth rate, 4, water demand data,
5,basis of design, 6, Background information of the project namely location (quarter section, major cross streets, etc.) and 7, live of the project and maintenance requirements. The technical proposal or basis of design most contain at least one conceptual layout with the exact measures of the location, the calculation, the required tools and equipment, the identification of the licences, the possible controls and safety standards, rights of way and lad etc this constitute the Development of technical requirements coordinated with