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Akashic Reading - Erik Parn

Enviado por   •  17 de Junio de 2014  •  Síntesis  •  1.625 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  183 Visitas

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Akashic Reading - Erik Parn

This is a creative soul that has come forth to learn about contrast in many ways. An observer of life and humanity and someone who often takes a step back and watched, evaluates and does not jump in with opinion. This soul feels to me like it has a different perspective to most people, a perspective where they see things in a different way and they may feel like they have not always fitted in because of this. They feel different because they are.

A gentle and sensitive soul that people can “get wrong” or at least they did early on in life. I feel that there has been a growth and realisation of who you really are in the now time and that this has helped others to know who you are too. I feel that you are a person who tried lots of things, and sometimes this made people think that you were wasting time in your life but you were gathering experiences and finding what resonated with you.

There is an intelligent brain in this body and also a logical outlook, which is a great advantage when you are awake as you can learn so much about yourself and how energy and intention are working with you to become who you truly want to be. I feel that you have a very enquiring mind and although you are awake you do not simply take things on face value and you like to evaluate. This is the logical side of you and I feel that generally there is a good balance for you.

This is important as you will be able to pass on this information when you need to in a balanced way, it will have more credibility and weight. You are private about these beliefs at the moment but the time is coming when you will be more public and you will share more. There will be people crossing your path that need the information and you will know what to say at the right time.

I feel that this will be especially important with younger people and I wonder if you have children yourself? I feel that you are going to be able to help and guide young adults at the right time in their lives, there is an energy of you taking them under your wing / guiding and directing them so I feel that there is going to be some work that you will do here. Not directly about Laws of Attraction, more regular contact and you will get the chance to touch on this and it will open doors for these people.

Your past lives on earth are few, I get only one or two, but I do feel that you have had many past lives in other places. This will contribute to you feeling different from other people here – you are! I call people like you ET, I have friends who are ET and their energy signature is like yours. I feel that you have a thirst to know more about the galaxy and the whole plan / scheme of things and that you are interested in the stars and may even feel homesick or wistful when you look at them.

This is normal, its where you are from and I would recommend that you read some books like The Bringers of the Dawn to help with this. I feel that you feel very alone at times on earth and that this is actually a disconnection from your family of light that you have left behind. When you meditate ask that you are connected to them and draw in any messages that they have for you. I feel that you have met at least 2 people like you on earth, one is your partner and one is a friend and I feel a strong connection. The main energy is acceptance here and I feel that you have had at least one relationship in the past where this has not been the case and there were emotions and energies that you found discordant and difficult, like control and insecurity. Your guides say that this relationship was a really valuable experience for you and that you gained a lot from it, so on a soul level try to honour the soul that you were in relationship with as you both agreed to come here to earth and challenge each other.

In terms of your life lessons and life path I feel that you have been confronted with most of the challenges that were going to come your way. There will be smaller lessons which you will recognise more easily now that you have a different level of awareness, and I feel that there is a definite energy of you taking more responsibility in your life now for your own experience. There is a feeling of applying the lessons that you have learned so far rather than bringing in loads more.

You have cleared much of your karma, I still feel that there could be some


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