Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Enviado por Mauro77 • 27 de Junio de 2013 • Informe • 1.682 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 496 Visitas
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
There once was a man called Ali Baba and had a brother named Kassim. Ali Baba was honest, hardworking, good and poor woodcutter. Kassim was dishonest, lazy, bad, predatory and rico.Alí Baba had a wife, a beautiful maid named Light of the Night. Kassim never remember to visit their relatives to not come out asking for something.
One day Ali Baba was in the forest chopping wood he heard a noise that was coming and that was like the noise they make when forty horses galloping. She was frightened, but he was curious climbed a tree.
Spying, saw that it was indeed forty horses. On each horse came a thief, and every thief had a bag full of gold coins, gold glasses, gold necklaces and more than a thousand rubies, sapphires, agates and pearls. In front of all was the leader of the thieves.
Thieves Ali Baba went below and stopped at a large rock that had, more or less as one block high and it was completely smooth. Then the chief of the robbers shouted at the rock, "Sesame: barren." (There was a thunder and rock, like a sesame seed, opened in the middle while Ali Baba almost fell off the tree by emotion .) The thieves entered through the opening in the rock with a horse and everything, and once they were inside the boss yelled, "Sesame: ciérrate!". And the rock was closed.
"I also go into the rock, he thought." So, with all the strength I had shouted, "Sesame: barren." And the rock opened.
After you take the time it takes to blink, was launched by the magic door and entered. And once inside they found the greatest treasure in the world, peacefully, took place in a bag for a good amount of gold and rubies. Not much, just enough to make food a year and three months. Then he said "open sesame!". The rock opened, and Ali Baba came out with the bag over his shoulder. He said: "Sesame: ciérrate!" and the rock closed and he went home, singing with joy. But when his wife saw him enter the stock market began to mourn.
- Who stole it? Wailed the woman.
And he kept crying. But when Ali Baba told the true story, the woman began to dance with him.
"Nobody must know that we have this treasure," said Ali Baba, "if we find we cut off your head, bury this.
"Before you count how many coins and precious stones there," said the wife of Ali Baba.
- And finish in ten years? Never! "Replied Ali Baba.
"Then I will weigh all this. So I know, at least roughly, how much we have and how much we spend, "said the woman.
He added:
-To borrow a balance.
Unfortunately, the wife of Ali Baba had the bad idea of going to Kassim's house and borrow the balance.
- What do you want the scale? Kassim asked the wife of Ali Baba.
"For though a few grains," said the wife of Ali Baba.
"How strange," thought Kassim. They do not have to fall dead and now they want a balance for weighing grain.
- What kind of beans are going to weigh? - Kassim asked after thinking about what you thought.
"Well, grains ... "Replied the wife of Ali Baba.
"I'll lend you the balance," said Kassim.
But before provided, and all dissimulation, Kassim smeared with grease scale base.
"Some grains will stick in fat, and so discover what really were weighed, thought Kassim.
Ali Baba and his wife weighed all the coins and precious stones. After the balance returned. But a ruby had stuck to the grease.
"So these are the grains that were weighing stammered Kassim-
And when he saw the ruby Kassim, ran for Ali Baba. Without greeting anyone entered the house of his brother at the same time they were to bury the treasure.
- Bastards! He shouted. Tell me where they got that wonderful treasure if you do not want the police report.
Ali Baba decided to tell the truth.
"Tomorrow I will go to that rock and I'll bring everything to my house," said Kassim
The next morning, Kassim was born 12 mules and 24 bags, so take what I thought.
- What was I had to say? He asked Kassim. Ah, yes, I remember now ... And very excited said, "Sesame: barren."
The rock opened and entered Kassim. Then he said "Sesame: ciérrate" and the rock was closed with him inside.
Kassim was an hour standing in front of mountains of gold coins and precious stones.
The election took about five hours. But at no time felt tired. "It's the most beautiful work I did in my life. Thanks to fool my brother, I have become the richest man in the world." And when I loaded the 24 bags were ordered to leave.
- What was I had to say? He asked. Ah, yes now I remember ... And very excited said, "canary: Battle."
But the rock did not budge.
"By God, Kassim said," I forgot the name of the seed. Why have I not listed on a piece of paper?
And, in despair, began to utter the name of all the seeds he remembered: "Barley: Battle," "Corn: Battle", "Garbanzo: