- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Chapter 17 Marketing

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Chapter 17

Communication plays an important role in marketing. Communication perform the function of informing the target customer about the nature and type of Avon’s products and services, their unique benefits, uses and features as well as the price and place at which these products can be purchased. The nature of marketing communication is persuasive since it aims at influencing the consumer behavior in favor of the company is offering. Marketing promotion is applied communication used by marketers to exchange persuasive messages, opinions, and information between the company and the prospective customers and general public.

Are four types of promotion methods that the company uses:

1. Personal selling: is the most important for our company because the sales of the products are made from catalog sales, our sales representatives are part important for our company and also depends on the entrepreneurs who deal with the various establishments of our company in various countries to sell our products.

2. Advertising: for the company it’s very important because is a way to make they known in the market and have to be promoting.

3. Sales promotion: give to the customer a better service o product reducing their prices but having a good quality of the products.

4. Public relations: it’s how the company manage all the information about the company, the customers and products.

Integrated marketing communication of the company are the strategies business process used to plan, develop, execute ad evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive communications. This means that the company has to implement a plan to the organization of the company and how they have to implement in the right way to had good profits without having losses or mistakes in the organization or products.

Promotion mix is the combination of the four promotions methods that the company implemented, this four have 5 factors for the strategies that they have to implement:

• Target audience.

• Objective of the promotion effort

• Nature of the product

• Stage in the product’s life cycle

• Amount of money available for promotion.

The company must take into account the budgets, the profits, losses, etc, to know how much money should or can be arranged in each department and how much money can be used for the needs of the company.

Chapter 19

Advertising: is a part important for the company because is a way to promote the company and the product to be recognized in the market, advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service for having better sales.

The company uses different types of advertising:

• The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format, as is reflected by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial


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