- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  20 de Febrero de 2013  •  290 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  251 Visitas

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Discrimination and women

Many people discriminated against Jews, naggers, immigrants, and women. Their hate was expressed through violence and death. However, the act of discrimination continues happening within society at any time and place.

To begin with, social discrimination not only affects the people´s self-esteem but also their job. What is more, women are marginalized in aspects of social life, labour and politic, for instance, Hélène Cixous, who was spat on as a woman by her professors, had to give up the university and study on her own. On the other hand, in some countries women can vote and hold a public post. Besides, they have got new Rights and access to education as well as working market.

Secondly, many countries practise the discrimination against immigrants and foreigners because of their religion, for example, between Protestant and Catholics or between Mussulmen and Jews. The figure of the Anti-Semitism was Hitler who blamed Jews for the situation of Germany in order to get his population united. What is more, a lot of Jews suffered during that time, such as Helen’s mother who had to flee from Germany because of Nazism and then Helen experienced the Anti-Semitism of the Arab population in Algeria. It is known that discrimination get rise in period of economic recession so that the population express their dissatisfaction over other ethnic or religious groups because people think that the others are the guilty of the situation.

Taking these points into consideration I would say that the position of women and other discriminated people had improved with some laws and rights. In other words, nowadays women can go to study without being discriminated, get a job or express themselves.


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